Nicole Keyser
Who do you like or love plZ tell me tristan185
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
There are a lot of things that I want to say to a lot of people.. But I guess I could atleast say something to all guys..:;* I don't believe in love. So don't fall in love with me.. Plz cause I won't fall in love with you.
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
Sometimes.. I mean why would I want to do something for someone if they never did//do anything for me??
HuLe WiL daN wEt waT jyH giStr vE MaNdeLa gVra heT.?? UhM halOw hyC doOd meNse wTh kitaQii250
Hahahah Oh jaH.. Dii peOplE is wEirdoS.. ((Coockoo))
HiRi meNse kaN meT doiE meNse pWt lMga ..!!*
SinCe wHeN??
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
I wouldn't have met him.. DuH!! He's dead!!_#
What is missing in your life?
A LiFe?? _*#. TheRe iS NotHiNg misSiNg iN mY LiFe..* BecaUse I HaVe No LiFe!!_#*
JamR.. UhM wii jY??
HeyY keYser my gWaMstErQii .. Agh eKa wOu maaaNt kWm hey sE 0wm j tE iriTeEr j wEt .. Hahaha leKa duxX kiNd hehehe lieFies juW & munii jUw arMe boEtii sEermaKii dC sLeGte maNieRe vlipT maN !! JiS mxM,*
PS ek wAs hiie oh yeS
#haCkeD kitaQii250
HaYy* ZellaQii._#
Hehehe danQii ho0r.. Ma jY wEet mOs.. Diis 'n HobBii om diiE GoEd seEr te MaAk!!
- KeYserKat13
TaG mE bAck plzZ gWaMii ..!* (( kiTaq'Qii)) kitaQii250
AlrEadY havE!!_ :P
Hey Ky-Ky wil net se Tnx vir n aWesome jAar en genIet jou VakanSie jy Moet Bietjie kOm Kuier dan gooi ons jou x-ou se huis mEt Eiers LOL** joke Net Lovies JuW Super Baja**
Hahah jaH.. MoEt diiT deFniteLy een keer doEn!!* En FaNxX* 2 u 2.._ vi di gr8 year.
- KeYserKat13 <3
HeYy sussaQii tnx vir 'n awesome jaar neh moet my nie vergeet nie hehehe well sal jou nie vergeet nie ( drama Queen ) we'll iets soos dit en geniet dit in H/s :)
HaYy# Nella..
EnJoY jU vacaTioN witHouT myH** as AlwaYs.. ((Just KidDiNg)) fanXx vi di gr8 year.. LoL
- KeYserKat13
HeyY myY GwAmii_,,* kiTaq wAs hiErsO thxX vE dii gr8 jaAr lieFieS joUw super bjE neH ..!! Hehehe hoWp j gAn myH dArM miis neH.. JoKes loVieS jUw gaN jUw bJe miiS hehehe ch0w_,!!*
HaYy* gWaMii.. FanXx 2 u 2.., 4 the gr8 year.. EnJoY everY momeNt oF liFe.. And cHerIsh thE oNes u love.. GoNna miSs u 2 bitZz*!!.-
- KeYserKat13
Society or individual?