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Sorry not sorry
Who are you ?
Africa swag
When i walk into a toilet and someone can not put the toilet roll in the way it is suppose to go. Like is it that hard to have the paper facing towards you so it rolls off like a dream ? Reaaaaally grinds the gears
Intensive care paramedic
Jake Mansell
Wellllllll you are my girlfriend...You is a lovely lady, always up for a chat and love a cup of tea or two. Always down for a chill bang sesh to which is hetic asssss. Also very very attractive. Yo mumma is a beautiful soul and I actually only come to yours to see Tracey..The the truth is out
Why hello to you too
Very attractive lady. Very good girl to talk to and always up for a chat. Best looking las in year 11
I find you quite attractive I wont lie. I think you're possible the funniest girl that I know and easiest to talk to. Never had a boring conversation and even thought we talk a lot of **** and half the time the conversation don't make sense still always hetic chats homie We are lovers xoxo
Who said I was friends with him....arh got him ! Shut up **** he's a beautiful child
Shes mean
I don't even know any year 10's..
Did so you *****
Harri and Shannyn even though they didn't invite me.
She's a hunni
Was loooooose ! So good Yours ?
Somer Gilbee
Marry me and I will show you
My ways in what red one ?
Do you squat ?
Harri Hurley by faaaar Eliza you have comp
Sinces when
Never use to approve of him but I have much respect for the kid now and think his a top bloke. Still hate him if he touches my Shannyn..
She is. We both like girls
Any kebab stand
Hey I am not a stranger
That is correct. Very
Grouse couple
You mean
Lovely lady
A ****ed up horror movie
Do I know you ?
I forgot who you are. Meany
Lovely girl, always up for a chat and adorable. I think you deserve to be happy and who ever is a c to you is obviously jealous of you
I'm very excited
I know I like being small gets me through doors easier xx How did you know ? Out last ice age was last week... #gearfordayzs
Doug when I said he wasn't big..
Who ever you are I ask you to come forward. Inbox me as this is the cutest thing someone has ever said. She was my project and that project was a success. That behind is to fine. She did me proud
But why ? Morgs is already big enough Shane
I'm not doing it. How could you put a boy through this type of ****. Said a grown man crazy and I'm just a boy.
Morgs you are hot and have a nice chest. Teach me your ways. shane
I probably will not sleep tonight. I think im going to be sick
Are you jealous because we got signed to loose ****s are us in Hollywood... I like kayne and he can drive his car up me any day. You take that back now. You ever had a kebab ? No so you shut your ***** mouth and go shelf a kebab or two. Actually no you don't deserve the gorgeous sensation of the greasy kebab wrapped in garlic sauces. You will go to hell. Is it because somer is a milk ? I know you are just jealous of her breast. My goal in life is to one day have boo*s that big. Somer will always be my girlfriend and me and kayne adore her and want to follow through with the topic us three well somer said to do ;) Ily somy h8ters gonna h8 because you have the biggest breast in the world.
I think everyone knowns by now so no point hiding it or trying to cover up.. It is true that I gave Kayne Tuner a blowy in the teachers toilets.. Eliza wasn't impressed and since then has called me numerous names like "little toes" and ithet hurtful words like "gay fingers nails"..
Ok I haven't released any information to the press. But yes. We are coming out the closet today
Not enough room for me to explain. She is my long lost love. I see us in the near future eating kebabs while sitting at the curl rack. She is my hunni and my lover but she doesn't love me back. I will always have hope for the love we onced shared. Shes a hottie
We were dating for approximately 6 months but just recently she wanted to take a break for un mentioned reason.. But I still have hope myself and Harri will date
*exy head ? He's actually really attractive and knowns his kebab. You just jealous you don't know the kebab low downs in the CBD of da melbz brah. So ***** you just jelly. #Kebabislovekebabislyf
Well you obviously haven't had a one kebab with her ? Her breast store like 3 kebabs in there so get outta ma faces. She is now a milk too
I've never seen myself with cloths off..
Maddi is my hunni
We kissed. But yes
Yes he can keep telling himself that but at the end of the day hos nipples were dry. Somers were gorgeous and soft. I like them soft. Kayne as a hot as **** face but. I'd get him pregnant just so he had no choice to leave No I thought she did but now she doesn't. Only because I don't like her girlfriend. ..
I don't know her all that well but gosh is that women attractive. Easily one of the hest looking year 11's at tallangatta. Very quite which is a down side but still a lovely girl
Its scary.. In all honesty I think Somers pulled it off.. She used nude by nature and Kayne went the easy way out and just used dove cream..Somer wins that one easily Eliza doesn't love me anymore and wouldn't allow me to try..
Issac. Don't know how or what goes on but he is naturally talented
Somer really knew how to cradle my balls I enjoyed that, Eli was always talking about how I loved harri more and well Kayne. Kayne didn't hesitate to go balls deep. Never cried so much in my life.. He's good Nice set of nipples
Thank you anon. No answer., buuuuuut true I don't like giving out my secrets but you ever want a mean kebab. The milk Kayne is the man you go to. Enough said
Pretty sure I've already answered that I dislike her ? I don't actually think there is one there.. Well all I can say is I think Isaac needs to change his attitude and not act like his top **** before I think Kayne will like him. Same goes for me But I agree with my kebab boi and fully support big **** Kaynes side xoxo We love you Isaac xoxoxox #Kebabislovekebabislyf
Angus Sutter
I miss Somer. Her breast remind me of Pamela Anderson.
Gay as aids
My love for that movie
You're my hunni
I will find you, and I will marry you
Dear anon, This is why your mum hates you. I will find you. I will grab you by the dirty cheesy knob and jam in down your sisters throat. Then laugh and squat your body after jake is done with it
Why you do this to me.
I've **** in public. If that counts ?
I really don't know..
I don't know anyone in year 11..
milk. Nar she is a gorgeous lady and I adore her a lot. Been friends for ages and never had a problem at all ! She is all so attractive and I'm jealous that martin and her have a thing
Yes not to bad thank you anon, fairly laid back and cruise. Really excited for amitys concert like coming up like omgawd
Where do I start. Never really knew her that well only knew of her through gypsy. I know her fairly well now and I believe she is a lovely person. So nice to talk and knows how to keep a conversation which is always good. She is very funny and can cook a mean bit of chicken haha. Deep down I know she hates me but there's always hope. All round lovely lady and quite gorgeous
Somer I thought you implied that you wanted to try an*** :(
What dis dis mean ? Tbh, You're my long lost girlfriend from Melbourne that I met on tagged and that's where our strong love started Never met you before but I'm very excited to see you down Melbourne ! Very excited ! Possibly the best person to talk to and im not just saying that because you play xbox ;) Never see you in person but over the photos I've stalk damn gurl you dat atrractive Ilys and **** homie
Was the hardest break up of my lyf :( #somerislovesomerislyf
Me no undi question ?