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DUMBASS2.0 😜❤️
Im sure I will ❤️
No, I am moving to an area in England called Bristol
No he doesnt
Pls dm me? I've gained more weight than I've lost and I hate it
It's been too long 💔 about 2 months ago
Nah... I love my life and all the people in it... Most of them
Yes quite a few times... But wtf 😂😂
I could name a few
No, I don't need a girlfriend to be happy, I've got tons of amazing friends and being single means I don't have to worry about talking to or hanging out with certain people... I'm very happy and if you think you need a partner to be happy you need to focus more on yourself
Before you come with all this sht please get your facts straight, I never said she can't be happy and I haven't tried to prevent that... I'm happy being single so why should I worry about them
No I wouldn't, even though I regret some things I've done I wouldn't be the person I am today and I love who I am today
Kyle viede
I'm done with that life... I don't like anyone and I don't want to
She's a good person with a kind and loving heart, not a fan of the fact her and one of me ex best mates are dating but oh well
No one currently, I'm trying to kind of stay away from relationships for a while
Neither ?
I wont answer this online, dm me if you really wanna know
I don't believe that things happen for a reason, I just believe that whatever happens happens and we just have to accept the truth as it comes... I hate sugarcoating things because that's just trying to alter the truth... But I do believe that we learn a lesson from each individual person we meet, even if it is just the smallest thing... I think life is what it is, who knows where we came from, who knows where we're going next, but while we're still here we have control over our choices
With words... Tell them how you feel and ask them if they will be your partner in crime... Dm me if you need help
I don't have a crush on anyone atm
I've been told
Well when you break up with someone it is always for a reason and getting back together is always so stupid because you're going back to the reason things ended... So if you still have feelings the best thing to do is not talk to them and distract yourself with other things (nothing like self- harm), that way your mind will be taken off your ex and it will be easier to get over them
Everything that I've done in my life was for a reason and I try to live without regrets... But if I had to choose one thing it would be not being there for my one friend when she needed me the most
Kylie Jenner
I honestly don't know... There's a lot to consider
Yes I truly am okay
Please dm me
16... It was this year
I felt constricted like I couldn't do much that I wanted to when I was with friends etc... Also because I wanted to spend more time with myself and know who I am
I don't have an official girlfriend but I am vibing with someone
As a friend yes but not as a girlfriend
My favourite colour is maroon and green... He's a cool guy I just think he needs to show a little more respect to the teachers
Don't watch p*rn... Got much better sht to do
Heyyyy person who I hope is one of my bests ?❤️
Dm and we'll find out
Love you too blondie ❤️❤️ thank you for all the help ❤
Love you too dumbass ?❤️
Make knives
My mom