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Just do it ✔️

610 Replies

You single xx

Single asf

Keeleymccosh replied 3075 days ago

Last song you played before replying to this ?

Breeze blocks alt-J

Keeleymccosh replied 3297 days ago

What are you terrible at ?

Having a daily routine. E.g- school. :')

Keeleymccosh replied 3302 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?

Yorkshire puppy and instax mini 8 xxx

Keeleymccosh replied 3304 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?

Ummmm, a guy called taylor i was 8 years old.. :')

Keeleymccosh replied 3318 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

No comment..

Keeleymccosh replied 3324 days ago

How would your friends describe you?


Keeleymccosh replied 3327 days ago

Remember when u usto date tye ahah

Please dont remind me LMAO

Keeleymccosh replied 3328 days ago

Remember when u usto date tye ahah

Please dont remind me LMAO

Keeleymccosh replied 3328 days ago

Tye dee told me that you do ice but idk if its true or not

Tell mr tye dee he can keep believing what he wants. at the end of the day i know i dont do that sht. He needs to grow the f u ck up honestly.

Keeleymccosh replied 3328 days ago

Is it true you do meth?

What the f uc k cu nt no!!! Yuck dog

Keeleymccosh replied 3328 days ago

What are you passionate about?

My art

Keeleymccosh replied 3328 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Life aint easy

Keeleymccosh replied 3364 days ago

What’s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen ?

Jess Browns nipple

Keeleymccosh replied 3388 days ago 1

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

Come back as a better person

Keeleymccosh replied 3396 days ago