I wish I had your pretty pally horse!
Well it doesn't wish to have you
Thoughts on Portia
Ask Tara
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Yes especially Tara
Thoughts on Tara
Hottest best friend anyone could ever ask for
Your source of happiness?
My horse and tara
Get me that one
What one
The one with the ****ed nipples :,)
Funniest ****ing movie goin round
Perry perry chicken perry perry checking Perry Perrin chicken chicken Caleb
Good one tara ahaha ;)
That Tara ***** is pretty *exy ;) lel.
**** yeah
Are those breasts I though you were a boy?
Are you having a boy or an abortion?
Who makes you happy?
My horses, my friends and my family
I you had to chose 1 friend who would it be ??
Most likely Tara
I can trust her with anything!!
What would you do if you farted during a class test?
Blame it on the person next to me
Your perfect
Thanks who is this
Hey your really pretty! <3 But you hang out with Tara :/ that's a shame! Portia nice though! :)
There is nothing wrong with Tara so there must be something wrong with you.
I think you and Tara are really nice :)
Thanks!! who is this??
Thoughts on Bella Smith?
Bella is one of my good friends she is always happy and is really pretty
Hey train tracks :)
At least I'm going to have straight teeth! :)
Thoughts on Paige
Paige is so nice and is always looking out for people
Do you think Tara is a slu*?
Thoughts on kelsea
She Always smiles and is fun to be around
Nicest friend you have???????????????
There is a few
Who do you like
Can't tell
Who makes you laugh a lot?
Portia and bel!
Biggest Bit** you know