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Kelli Anne


Drop ya hate or ya love❤ I DONT GIVE A fck

851 Replies

his not a poes but he did step out tho

Nah he really didnt😂😂

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1802 days ago

His really cheating hay

No his actually not a poes hey

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1843 days ago

Well talk is cheap and making promises is easy. But trust me, when you fall pregnant he will abandon you, probably even before the baby is born. I know him and his type. If it ever happens you'll see I was right.

If talk is cheap then what your saying now is considered cheap talk to. Keep your kak opinion to yourself. My relationship has lasted through alot so unless you know whats going on. Dont add your 2 cents

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1882 days ago

Your boyfriend is cheating on you

Im sure.

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1895 days ago

ofc you won't believe me and ofc you'll defend him in this, but if you fall pregnant tomorrow that guy will drop you like a hot potato. something to think about

Actually not. Hes supported me through pregnancy scares and stuck around and weve spoken about what we would do if i did fall pregnant and we both agreed on what steps we'd take. So you can bash him all you want but ofc ill defend him because you know fokol about him and ive know him for 4 years including the 2 years and 8 months weve been dating

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1932 days ago

that guy of yours looks like a real coloured loser. the fact that you're such an awesome person makes it even more cringe than it already is

Hes my coloured loser❤ and our cringe relationship is kinda cute. I enjoy our little wrestling sessions and that i dont always have to be serious or talkative or put up a shield. I like bejng myself. You can hate on anything but never my relationship so lemme out this in a nice way.

Your poes
Your future childrens poes
Your whole familys poes suma.

Dont judge me. My boyfriend. Or our relationship. Dont try to compete where you dont compare. Look at yourself before you looke at us. We're happy but what do you have mb?.

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1932 days ago

No, you misunderstand me. Pt 1: Society has unwritten rules about what constitutes acceptable behaviour, whether we agree or not. These were created from the views of the majority of ppl, like democracy of acceptability.

Yes thats majority of society being judgemental close minded pricks. So alicia doesnt care what society thinks because shes part of the minority thats open minded. So no i didnt misunderstand. I understood completely and my response still stands.

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1936 days ago

Parents are responsible for guiding their children and making decisions for them when they're that young, they don't get to make decisions themselves and do what they want.

Yes to guide them and she told him to follow what he wanted and not to care what people think. Should the child feel like hes going to get judged for the rest of his life for everything he does? All im saying is just because some people wont let their son walk around with nail polish on doesnt mean others wont. Ive seen so many guys wearing mail polish many straight guys at that too. Girls pierce their ears and so do guys. Girls dye their hair and so do guys. Some guys wear make up. But you know what. Its because their parents accepted their choices and taught them not to care what others think.
If my son wanted to walk around in a dress an heels at age 4 ill let him do it. If he wants to paint his nails or wear make up because he sees his mother doing it then ill let him do it. You cant tell them its wrong when its not. Let them try it and see if their happy with it not if your happy with it. A parent should always put their childs happiness before opinions.

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1936 days ago

The q n a mb kak mooi

Eh no lis to put all that sht back together

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1936 days ago

U thick

My head thick yeah

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1936 days ago


Soon i promise

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1936 days ago

Post moreee


Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1938 days ago

Describe your bf and why you luv him

My boyfriend is kind and caring and generous and sweet. He always helps me when im in need amd tries to take care of me when im sick. He makes me laugh and cry and smile. He picks me up when im down. He makes sure im always alright. He listens to me talk he considers my feelings. Hes my best friend and lover all wrapped in one. Someone who i can be myself with and not be embarrassed. He loves my weird quirks and my stupid moments. He loves me for me and i wouldnt trade him for the world. Casey Joshua Forbes is the love of my life. And i thank god everyday that he stays in my life❤

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1938 days ago

The highlights are jas

I dont even remember half of what i had😂

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1938 days ago

Why not, what's wrong with hu?

My bf will kill you after i moer you😂

Kelli_Anne1816 replied 1938 days ago