You're such a sweet girl! Your smile can light up anyone's day:) imightlikeyou
Aw thanks sweetie, who are you? :) xx
whats with the question isla got about you liking alex? do you?
You've got the wrong kelly.. haha
nah actual do you like anyone haha?(;
maybe.. maybe not (;
have a guess who this is then.. pm me on facebook or something...
Can you give me a clue who it is? and okay (:
im too scared to pm you soo then youh know who this ... im sorry .. :/
please! i think i know who this is..
do you like alex?
nope, i just know him from isla (:
who do you like?
you anon (;
i like you.. but your waaaay too good for me.. your perf kelly! youh deserve a really good booy.. but im not that soo i know youh dont deserve me..
aw, im not perfect! pm me x
thankz bby xxxxxxxxx
ive got to move on and be who i am, i just dont belong here, i hope you understand <3
.. we might find our place in this world someday, at least for now i gotta go my own way <3
fruit ninja
y are you so nigga huns
hehee, coz im nigz lyk dat xox
u maddd bol
you jealous? (;
one word that describes you: hmm maybe gullible? hehe ily babes (; x
hehehe, hmm one word that describes you; RUDE (; x
Thoughts on Cameron, Julian and ya mum?
um, pretty cooool people ehh
cute qooh me selfie (;
naaw staaawp it ;)
you liking any1?
na na (:
zomg your as*. its so gettto
get that a lot (;
No, brunette honey!
haha you suk xo
you too lola x
your soo pretty!
naaw! thanks anon xx
thoughts of julian barratt?(:
hi julian hahaha, I think your really nice and always up for a yarn and you seem like a pretty cool guy :)
im a boyy :L and we chat sometimes! but i honestly think that your the prettyeist girl at craighead! ive totally got youh in mind(;
Haa, thanks
your soo nice and very pretty! (:
Aw thanks Anon! x
any boys from roncalli that youh got in mind?(;
Naa, don't really know any :s
i like you
I like you too xx
y do you pick your nose and eat your snot?
Thats yoooooou anon xx
why do you have the worst comebacks??
Come on! There not that bad.. haaa
its a shaame you dont take after your brother :/
Not really, he smells :o
kelly you are my long lost lover
im lost? haa
y u so hot
coz im owtside
your really annoying :/
your really mean :/
Why do you like running?
because you can run away from people
wat r u dwin
just being lazy
ew you have a belly button.
ew you don't have a belly button.
i do not wax my pubes in the shape of a luvheart, i braid them hunnay xx LolaStoodley
Oh, right! How nice xx
I cant believe you waxed your pubes in the shape of a loveheart.
HAHAHAHA, thats what you do Lola!
ew your last answer was very slu*ty :/
um ok
dont lie, everyone knows you like him.
Well i don't.
do you like Cameron??!
I want you in my jocks
I want you in my pants (;
you are so pro at athletics! x
Thanks anon xx
y do you hate me )':
I don't hate anyone.. pm me x
what's your fav shop
Pumpkin Patch xx
Thoughts on Mackenzie ???
F**king hilarious!
why do you hate olivia mckewan???
i don't..
Why ur bro so hot and your so not
Bro, i think you've got it the wrong way round!
Why does Noah hate me?? )':
Because your annoying..
your so lovely xxx
Aww, thanks hun xx
i like you heaps but im too scared to tell you, all i think about is you but i honestly dont have the courage to tell you, hope you know who this is!! (:
Hi lola
f*** i just want to bang you. like omg. i cant control my p**** everytime i see you, it gets a mind of its own (;
Omg, sorry i just have that effect on everyone (;
are you scared of bretts subs in the levin?
You are soooo gorgeous !!! Omg x
Thanks Anon :') I bet your beautiful xx
I like British girls ;)
hehehee kwl.. I like Kiwi girls ;)
Nutella or family?
Familllyyy! But i do love nutella <33
What if I'm a pedo?
go die.
Hipstar or boho?(;;
So, what you up to this weekend?;)
Just chill'n with some fraawndz, Pm me we should hang ;)
Who's the boy in yo lyf?
My cat lul
Heeey girrrl
Haai honz xx
shi* your amazing.
thanks bub xox bet your amazing too!
yyyyyyy yaaaaa saaaaaa gaaaaaayyyyy?
yyyyyyyy yaaaaaa saaaaaaaa meeeeeeaaaannn? (;
why cannnnt you bee as amazzzing as natalie. xo
Your sooooo funny natalie. ;D
nuffin much, just on qoohme!
hey guuuuuuuuuuuurrrlll why you be so fine?????? c;
ah, it runs in da family (;
Don't go nearly running over anymore teachers now ;) ;)
Hahahahahahahahahaaa i'll try not to (;
Melon i love you
Aww, ily lemon! xx
You are so nice :)
Aww that made my day :')