Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Naah, I learned at CPR training that unless you have a mask ya shouldn't.. Just call for some help!!
Well. I don't know
I like my friends... :p
loooove you to desthorney :* im happy ur back from grammmms
that is...?
I don't even know anymore... all inspiration has been lost!
yo no se
well, im gunna be 18 tomorrow.. but even scarier going to college in less than a month
There are a lot of sad things..
do you like to stfu? lol
you're a ****? ;)
I won't name them all. But if I spend nearly everyday with you... it's them. and a couple others..
noooway. but I still love $
1- I am always forgiving people who may not deserve it.. 2- I know where I want to be in life rn, just currently im to damn lazy to get there
my friends throwing random **** down the stairs.. :/?
having a cold.. :(
that's for much later time..
I wish I knew why I was boring
Sorrrrrry biaaaaaaaatch, its only Saturday, Thank you - please come again.
im not a garden tool, you tool! :)
a lot,
Dont really know you but youre prettttty!
Cant pick one but shelia n dest forsure... and my crew
ahaha lololol
shelia,desteny,camrie,christian,justen,maria,makayla,jesse,mario and more.. got that? lol
of all time, Moking Bird by eminem
Alot of things I hear are dumb.. but today, it cost 0.40$ for a thing for honey at Mc****s
I owwwe. :(
nothing lol
being Kayla :)
Lmfaaaao. find out for yourself and wear one than. bye :)
Does it matter to you
nooo, ok bye.
y r u asking this. if you gunna ask dis ****, im gunna need 2 know who you are to even begin answering your question..
Happy Fathers Day Dad, and too my grandpas!
Lmao august
When people take things the wrong way because they dont listen
any kind of phone. lmfao
i did, I'm sure we have been through this though :P
naah, can't say i would.
you toooo chicka
........actuallllllly savannah
hmmm, I don't know. I had so many more friends when I was younnng. :P
depends, sometimes things just get to me.
hmm, hard to say.
uhh idek. pussshiness
i guess to be somewhere you are happy with.
well that's rude... lololol ahaha who r uuuuu.
you can tell me.. and it's Shelia.. :/ -teext me
who are yooou.?
lol, of course not. my bestfriend is a lesbian!
I'm sorry, i don't like girlssss...
good question ..
im sorrrry.
I answer this question how? 17.
You're awesome, and I love talking to ya and youre super chill
wow, now that's just to cool. i can't even.
idfk.. i don't watch it
thats me :) Udaho. btw!
thanks! if I knew who you were I could letcha know my thoughts on you:) is that the answer?
why, thank you..
My family and my few friends. but id probably kill for them before i died for them.. :)
probs, the Lego movie
my mooom, lmfao.
No one bores me really, but myself. Having anyone else to talk to is interesting :P
if you actually have to ask me this, you must not know me. no ****. lolololol yah nasties
iddddk. $$$$$ family n friends!
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks doll! ox!
I don't knooow, ALOOOT!
well, lets not have a headstart planning that one..
i think you're super nice girl & i miss ta
well next year ece or cyw..
absolutely no one
absolutely nothiiinng! just chill with my friends, always same thing..
ahah nooooooooo! fake accounts was like, 5 years ago.
if God truly is real i would ask why he don't make everything so perfect like his standards people beleive
just me in general..... :0
I think my friends know what about them irritates me. Well, not what about them, mostly things they do on occasion. The little things don't matter dooe, their my nigggas no matter what!
noneya. smart people know not to give that **** on websites.