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Kelsy Jones


Don't be mean just be kind

28 Replies

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would probably be a costume because then is summer and spring you can swim and in winter and autem I can use a blanket to keep me warm

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3281 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

That I'm flawless and Bae

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3287 days ago 1

What was your first relationship like?

If only I had been in a relationship before this

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3294 days ago 1

Why aren't you famous?

Why would I be. Just saying

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3295 days ago 1

Why do you have that scar ?

In pre school the was a really big step and because I was so tiny I couldn't get up and there was a pile of bricks next to the stairs and I cracked my head open on the bricks and got stitches so now I have a scar

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3335 days ago 1

What do you not feel like doing today?

Sport because I'm so tired for running around at school??

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3339 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Kittens and puppies they are as cute as anything

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3347 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Food water I pod and many other things

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3350 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

I met my best friend at school in grade one in pre school a girl took all of her friends and no one would play with her well that's what she said but then in grade one I said that I would only be friends with her old friends if they can be friends with her again and now she has all the friends she needs ??☺?❤if you don't believe me ask cate it is true

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3352 days ago

Who do people always say you look like?

My sister and it gets soooo annoying

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3356 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

I think buying water at a shop when you're about to go home where there is water in a tap???

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3358 days ago

Merry Christmas everyone have a great day and enjoy yourself have a good year ahead of you Kelsy11jones1


Kelsy11jones1 replied 3360 days ago

Where do you want to be living in 10 years?

America or England

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3361 days ago

Who do u like?

A boy

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3361 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

That I liked Matthew caw

Kelsy11jones1 replied 3362 days ago