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How would you know
Why is surprised anon?
Thoughts on you? Well you smell like fish that is all ;)
The person I like doesn't exist as I like no one so you are incorrect
Ahh hello there Thomas and I beleive the intended jokes answer should usually be that he for cancer am I correct?
Well I can tell you one thing, I don't call them *** tissues :p
They are rare okay just wait ;)
Haha who's asking this? No I'm not I am happy with my life
Which girl
Were friends that's it.
Can't be bothered
Can I flirt with you?
I'm single so what? Plus most of the time I don't mean to just being me
It's a joke silly
I think your a poo ;)
Personality eyes smile
She is my Asian
Just inbox me aha
An extremely unique girl :) but seriously amazing so great to talk to! And quite attractive
Inbox me ill tel you
Nope, if it's so important come find me
Couldn't pick out of all my friends
Then how did you get here?
Not currently
Then what's your number
inbox if you care so much?? :)
whats ur name? lol
cause then everybody will know
yeah :)
whos this?? :)
yes and if you desperately must know inbox me
a little midget ;) ahaha nah really great friend and a good laugh would write more but well im lazy :)
If this is who I think it is I ain't no Bit** I didn't do nothing you caused it
I don't have a list of girls that are my "top ten"
I don't know my top girl ain't even from gsc
Great girl, really nice and funny :)
What do you mean people? Guys girls both what?
Their personality
Thanks anon
I am the illuminati
Because I have nothing else to do.