do u like s*cking brendans ****
On ur fce
alrighty then..
Which girls do you miss from fg?
umm mostly shanelle
why is it that my cat ****ed your cat up when they fight??
wanna die G
ur a ****ing Muppet
neck up ****
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
my cat
Something you will never be good at?
A song they should play at your funeral?
if everyone cared-nickelback <3
wat u doingggggg
on skypeeee what about you
top 10 people that are in your cool books,
p.s don't write that you don't know just name anyone that's in your cool books
What are you doing right at this very moment in time
laying down
looping out of my ****
Who is your favourite person at Hallam out of everyone
my girlfriend :)
How often do you have a wank in a week
80-85 times
5 fave girls you met this year at Hallam Senior??
havnt met a lot but my fav is taylah
What is your mother's name?
simon sniffcock
Deni is at Bentleigh
yer I know that s*cks ayy
Thank fk we made NPL though
yer no **** ayyy
who do u think will make it in the team (dandy)
im not sure yet cause theres so much people
Coming to training tomoZ sxc,?
yer bbi
Oi can I have your **** or what? I'm tired of getting so much poon. Just need a change
hahahhah yer go for it
I find you so attractive
cheers :)
nya nya nya
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
my cat
Hey do you still talk to that sick **** jai bradley or is he not in ya cool books?
oh relax G inbox me when you want me to come over
Kathryn's a cutie and you're a cutie and together you're cuties
hahahahah :') thank you
Top 10 girls over all?
what to you mean
Top 10 female and 10 male friends?
ahhhh why 10 for
How do you feel about dating exes?
**** off question of the day no one gives a **** about your questions
How long have u been with kathryn
why do you want to know?
you still going out with that ****
if you mean my beautiful gf then yes I am
I've ****ed her several times
sure you have
I want to sit on your face and make love with your ***hole.
ohh true
How far have you and Kathryn gone? *ex?
soz bro that's private
Would you s*ck your self off if you could since you wank yourself off ?
Do you get what I mean
umm no I have a girlfriend for that :D
Would you s*ck a boys nipple for $1009.50
yes O.O
Your fresh and so minty
You should cut a bit of your **** off, my ***hole still hurts from last week.
soz beb
look at your family.
look at your head.
you actually are
thanks but nah not really
you're hot
im actually not
they tryed to make me go to rehab
but i say a no no no
they try to make me go to rehab but i wont a go go go
that's great
do you have a laptop?
yea hbut I don't use it
I like boo*ies! Do you like boooooobies? ( . Y . )
yeah :)
what suburb do you live in?
What have you learned today?
nice as* wanna ****
ohh yeah lets do it
oi kenny why 11
old soccer t-shirt number
post this tomrrow sxy
k bbi
I don't day dream
then are you sure its my gf?
I had babies in her mouth
Are you getting a ps4 or cbox one
Your gf s*cked my ****
hahahha okay you gotta stop day dreaming
Because im one of them
hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha you wish
excuse meh kenneh bet, where ded ur nick geh? andrew.selymesi
I dent kneh andreh can yeh help meh
So many guys have f**ked kathryn
ummm okay cause you would know
Your gf is a ****
no shes not actually
Most random girl you've liked before?
idk ay
Longest relationship?
I cant remember I think like 1 year
Watch out jawad lifts now
I know yeah fark I better watch out
Favorite girl to talk to?
Nicest girl you know?
when is dandy trials
next Friday pretty sure
You look like stiffler from americain pie
hahahah really everyone always used to say that but I think I don't look like him
hay litttle ***** t*** face wanker
What is the best way to approach a girl you like?
flop out ya **** infront of her
I like your as*
I like it to
Two things you would like to improve about yourself?
my tan and muscle mass
Left my scooter outside the dairy
that's sick
thanks for leaving me on hold... andrew.selymesi
hahahahah join our call idiot