Umadya fodya wamkulu eti? Usakane iwe
Nigga U Dnt Even Knw Me
Iz t tru u had a crush on crodina?
No way
Ar u datin cro'z best frend ryt nw?
Anakubenchulisa geogina eti?
Y did u brok up wit geogina?
Iwe ....sowa wit u hule
If u wea 2 dat sm1 , who wud that b?
Mwayi n Eshie who'z tha best?
Both.. U want 1?
Au virgin?
Wat? Thatz top secret
Iz t tru ac iz the only gul u kissd?
Uumm......... Nxt quecion plz
Ok kycia n cafiee ar al fat ... U dnt do ziphwamwamwa eti ... Y iz cafiee a cloz frend than kycia?
Umamufuna eti
Y cnt yew go bak 2 maranatha?
Non of u biznes
U neva luvd ac ryt ? But y wea u stil pretendin ? Evry1 knew u wea cheatin on ha ... Was t hard 2 tel ha u luvd thandiee nat ha?
Iwe do i av 2 answr al that ..?
Hom.Bwnd.A. ken ryt? Shira! U rememba ha? She waz hot mayne .. Why wea u selfsh? U knew she lykd u ryt ?
Ya i am .. I rememba ha ... I neva knew she did ... N i wz slfsh cuz i wz slfsh .....End of story!!
Do u knw ema iz u homiee?
Man inu ndiouma zedi! U even failed kujamisa patricia ...
Ey dont you know shez hasie's gul?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Mmmh that i wz datin sm claz ... Chik
Who are you dating currently
Cnt tel
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Am kul bt nat that hot