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Mackenzie Farrell


... Oh, that sounds Interesting

18 Replies

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

who knows

Kenzie.000 replied 3292 days ago

kill yourself

you first xx

Kenzie.000 replied 3292 days ago

You think you're really cool but really no one likes you because you're a total biitch to everyone. Even your ex hates you he got a new girlfriend and shes way better than you'll ever be k ****t?

listen up anon, you obviously have a pretty sad life if you have to say **** to me over qoohme. say it to my face xox

Kenzie.000 replied 3382 days ago

woahhh calm down **** head. kenzie is got okay so calm yourslef xoxoxoxo Briannamertz

calm yourslef guys xxx

Kenzie.000 replied 3382 days ago

Talk **** biitch, no one actually likes ya sluut

thank you anon xx

Kenzie.000 replied 3382 days ago

How do you deal with failure?

eat all the chocolate

Kenzie.000 replied 3382 days ago

anon f off, kenzie is nothing like that. love ya xxx courtney6

love ya xx

Kenzie.000 replied 3384 days ago

cool as a cu***ber courtney6

yeah mate cool as a f ucking cu***ber

Kenzie.000 replied 3384 days ago

You're a ****ing **** and nobody likes you because youre a worthless, lippy cockhead

woah anon, i love your describing words xx

Kenzie.000 replied 3384 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?

who is the person? because everyone f ucking hates my guts

Kenzie.000 replied 3384 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

give em a hug mate

Kenzie.000 replied 3385 days ago

they left us alone the kids in the dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark we come together state of the art


Kenzie.000 replied 3390 days ago

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

tbh probably 12 coz i cud finaly leave mi parents and drink alchol and smoke weed everyday

Kenzie.000 replied 3391 days ago 1

ionhuvcdrfgvh ellamaefabie


Kenzie.000 replied 3391 days ago

Who told you they loved you last


Kenzie.000 replied 3392 days ago 2