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Game 'O freaking Thrones!
Am I better? (:
Aweh magiscgian! I miss you too! Keep it classy (:
that than greater are you greatest the are you great so are you (:
Zacharie Parent Justin "Dutch" VanVeldhuisen Kristin Langis Megan Wilick Rebecca Postma Beethoven Koji Kondo Pendleton Ward Marceline the Vampire Queen & The Percussion Studio at Laurier. All of them.
Hellllllllllz yah!
Marceline all the way.
Officially, it's been one month today! Yay! I'm wicked happy to be dating Kristin.
Bahah, I see that you have never tried pizza.
Does Jesus even own a fridge?
Such strong, very connection, much flush.
Why not both...?
Netflix (2012-Present), she hasn't let me down yet <3 love you bae
R. Schumann, Hahn, Beethoven, John Adams and Samuel Barber.
Everyone has regrets.
I'm an original kind of girl, but I do indulge in cherry from time to time (:
My fave kind of poetry.
Hippie! That's funny; I like your style (:
LIGHTS and Josiah Leming.
Zelda: Orcarina of Time and Majora's Mask
Single; loving life.
Yes, in the sense that if I was ever kidnapped in Paris, I know Liam would haul as* to find me.
It would be?
Never occurred to me! Is it the same person?
Girl or guy, I find smelliness unattractive. Shower, brush yo teeth and swipe on that deodorant.
Oh! Of course, ahah yes I do! I work with a bunch of cuties; so many fantastic people (:
This lesbian thinks gays are awesome; especially my personal gay friends. Without a doubt some of the most fiery and talented people I know (whom all happen to share the quality of being gay, coincidentally). As for the rest of the lesbian community, I don't know! What do gays REALLY think of lesbians?
Susan Blackwell- Title Of Show
Bonn, Germany.
I'm going to go with a strong 7; 8 seems a little excessive.
I'm more concerned about the character of someone rather than the parts they were born with. Male or female, I treat it all the same.
Don't insult me; of course it's Pumpkin Trifle!
I casually forget my offspring on a regular basis. This is no exception.
Dons? What is dons?
Could be: a) a towel or b) a sad, lonely, *ex-crazed lesbian. Kinda a blurry line.
Oh you.... (;
How many times do I have to remind you? Patrick, Ursula, Stephan, Socahtoshi, Yvette.
Stabbin' yo cousin, sweet Juliet.
Black skinnys, mismatched socks, SuperMan hat, and the comfiest green crewneck in the world.
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
Red heads. Always.
Bahah I don't even know what this question is! You're wild.
Why thank you (:
Who be this?:D
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I'll definitely keep that in mind.
That's a pretty awful thing to say about someone. I'm sorry you feel that way.
My best characteristics are brought out by those around me, so I don't think I could just pick any one thing. I suppose, in a sense, my best characteristic is finding and surrounding myself with people who bring out even better qualities in myself.
Can I just say Llama and that's the end of this question? "Llama".
You never asked for any?
Straight up Pidgeot kinda girl myself.
Biting my nails when I'm stressed. Ick.
I've always looked up to my dad.
I like almost everyone silly one (:
My little brother was given a guitar for Christmas; he was 12, I was 14. I tend to have this secretive competitive nature with him, so whenever nobody was home, I'd sneak into his room and look up chords online so I could be better than him. It was totally not supposed to be anything to rub in his face, but I just wanted to know I was at least keeping up with him. My mom came home early from work one day and caught me playing in his room and told me I was actually pretty good. I guess I kinda just ran with that; wrote my first song, played my first gig, and fell in love with the feeling of performance and a guitar in my hands. The rest is history I suppose!
I've just recently started the second half of my second year here at Laurier.
Welcome first time writer! Wow. Such psychic. Very mind powers. Amazing. Many brainreading. Green is boss sauce, definitely my favourite colour (: If you send me yo Qoohme I'll for sure ask ya some questions (:
Don't call me "man". You don't even know me enough to know that it's ok to call me, or at the very least message me on Facebook. You don't know me enough if you think I'm going to get upset at an honest conversation. Don't insult me by thinking you know me enough to call me "man" if you can't even give yourself enough self respect to be upfront with your feelings. Instead, you hide behind a keyboard with the title "anonymous". So "man", I don't think you know what you're talking about.
I didn't get anything.
I don't understand the question.
It's going well, thank you for asking! (: I'm learning a Schumann song, so how could today not be a good day?
Sunshine is something I realize I took for granted (metaphorically and literally). Unfortunately over the past two years I've happened to hit a few rough patches (as everyone does), not only sacrificing my own sense of being/awareness, but more importantly the feelings those I love around me as well. Upon feeling it's absence, I came to realize how important it is to be thankful for the sunshine that is brought into your life, be it people, weather or cir***stance. Sunshine is living, breathing, laughing, singing, loving, yellow, and energy. I'd do well to try to remember that as I go through life, and hopefully give a little sunshine to those I meet along the way.
I feel as if my latest song is a bit ambiguous, in the sense that you can draw your own meaning from it. It's actually very impersonal to me; just lyrics that came out and morphed into a song. The orchestral piece I'm working on right now though is very personal and has to deal with some personal struggle; I look to it almost as a cathartic project.
Bahah oh my! This is so blunt, wow; I am single. Dating a boy is still possible, it's all about how the person makes you feel, not the junk in the trunk, ya know?
*You're. No.
Aweh, anon, why are you always so kind?! You are an awesome person as well I'm sure. Have a great night!
Being honest with yourself is a big part in it; it wasn't until I embraced how cool it was to be myself that I flew with it. I love being weird and loud and musical and, quite frankly, super-gay. Make being yourself your biggest priority, I mean you're with yourself literally 24/7, all day err day. Smile, love your oddities, and go forth into the world knowing people will appreciate you for your genuine nature.
I can't. Just tried, twice. Failed. Twice.
I'm pretty niffty with an espresso machine
Two tattoos on my upper thighs; +10 points to Gryffindor if you can guess what they are (;
Trimming it this week (: Thanks anon!
Bring it. It's so on, like donkey kong. Making monkey noises and cycling all over hells acres.
Hello! (:
Dr. Pep, I admire your kindness.
Aweeee yeah, don't need them beasties; I'm after longest road fool.
Epic Music: Beethoven's 9th Symphony Weapon: Quagmire's Asian *ex Slaves Catchphrase: I never trust parking in rear.
That's So Raven, is this EVEN a question?
Thanks! I'm going through my grow it out or keep it short phase (:
So kind! Thank you (:
This is a toughy; not because I don't envision myself in 10 years, but because I don't even know what I'm having for breakfast in the morning. But, ok, here we go. In 10 years, ideally, I see myself living in a loft (preferably in Montreal ) with my cat and a Basset Hound. Super successful as a composer and music professor, loving life.
Hhhhellllllllllll yeeeeeeeaaaaa!!!!
Thank you! I did! I hope you did as well (:
That's nice.
You're* This appears to be more a personal concern for you; I do hope you figure out the questions you really want to ask.