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Amuse me Bruh give it a crack

608 Replies

What is something that actually offends you?


Keyyaa replied 2990 days ago

How much do you have in your bank account ?

Haha None

Keyyaa replied 2996 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

Would deffs take zac efron

Keyyaa replied 3014 days ago

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

Absolutely horrible

Keyyaa replied 3035 days ago

What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?

The one going around right now.

Keyyaa replied 3039 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Buy a wagon like Corey's ??

Keyyaa replied 3044 days ago 1

How did you meet your best friend ?

She abused me this one time way backk and now we are best friends. 4 years strong n many more to come. ??

Keyyaa replied 3046 days ago 1

whoever asked keya if bens available bc i want to know, its not even true lol, pretty sure he can stay keyas. :)) LahnieeHayess69

Yeah cheers hun.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

You believe everything he's says it's pathetic ? You're getting played ????

Why this is any of your business I don't know but your pretty childish hiding behind anonymous if your gonna be a smart arse messages one of us.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

Why can't you just tell the truth, bens just using you he said it to everyone at his house the other night and lahnie was all over him ??

I am telling the truth ? I'm pretty sure he ain't using me hunny. Lahnie didn't even touch him last time she was there.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

That's not what he was saying when she was on his dck the other night ?

She wasn't on his dck the other night ? darling wanna stop hiding behind anonymous n just message me aye.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

Is Ben available lahniee wants to know?

How about you tell lahnie that its never gonna happen so move along find someone else.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

Why are you so aggressive towards Jason?

Aggressive? I don't even talk to Jason ?

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago


All person I've dated that goes to bens. So no point pulling maybe crap.

Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago

We dated


Keyyaa replied 3048 days ago