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I have two !! Or maybe some more :P Brandon and Jodi... no surnames :) x
Haha.. uhm if I remember I'll bring it Monday x ... haha but I think you need to give up :P
How did this come up?! Do I have to answer this ****? :|
Uhm no!! No-one needs doubles running around. Twins are close enough to cloning... So no thanks. :)
Haha:) Anthony! My little grade 8 :P x
To be honest... :) I have no idea. I don't think so, though. If I have, then I had no idea about it. :) x
Forgot it?? You lost me for a second there hun.. :) x
Arg!... Haha* I knOw! :( :| thanks for pointing it out =D
Wow...* that land truly s*cks!! So you've been released as a prisoner?? :P Lol you have an extremely vivid imagination... :P but thanks .. I'll be watching. :|
Hahaha.. You noticed that too ey :P arg these people. I think I know who this is!!* :) btw... (If I'm right) You STILL call me that :|
Awww I miss you too, A :) x thanks btw. Soooo much better than these other dorks ;) :D. Where are you though??!!! You've gone AWOL. :-O
Hahaha. What a freak jess!! :P you're too cute. X
Well I don't know what exactly you're talking about...* but I'll get you a Kinderjoy instead. :)
Clever one you are* can we stop talking about my boo*s and as*.. Its getting a bit much :P . Thank you!
Haha. Thanks man dude* and you probably have a great personality.. X Probably.
The reason for your curiosity?
Uhm no .. Probably not ey. But errrr I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Holy shi*... We'll thanks for the heads up!! :P I've just hired a bodyguard.
If the ring is big enough... Then yes!! =D* but hope you're going to prepose properly! :| haha
uhm.. No :) haha. but I know a se*y donkey.. I'll set something up for you guys. ;)
Haha..* original. That's a f***ing over-used question though... Wow . Hahaha. But hey.. Its in my genes hun. Can't help it ;) xX (all with love, I promise)
I don't know who you are.. But I love you too! :D x
A guy that can make me smile the biggest and goofiest smile just by hearing his name... :)* a guy with a sweet disposition, intellegent mind and confident being. Xx
Let's just say that if it were a grading... I'd be doing badly. :P not failing, but probably getting in the 70's or 60's.. If you're smart enough, you'll figure it out :)
Oh wow!! That\'s irrelevant. But I guess you\'re probably looking at my t*** trying to figure it out yourself neh? ;)
...* :) I guess I have. But what's wrong with the friendzone? There's still "friends with benefits" laying on the table. Isn't that "getting some"?... Otherwise it probably has nothing to do with ya'll.
Uhhm thanks ... :P haha. I'll be watching behind me...* maybe I'll find out who you are ;)
Haha. WOW that\'s a bit shady :| . But maybe you\'ll have the same result . Haha nice and short :D
Ask my mommy x ;) :P
Roxy Hunter and Alonzo Zimucha =D they are both my bestest friends :)♥
Yes :) *
I highly doubt it :) x probably you :p !
Wow.. That\'s hard. I have so many that I\'m so close to (: but I think it would have to be Alonzo =D
You are a strange person indeed * :|
Hmm... My eyes :) ♥
Not necessarily:) but yes I do. They are just way more mature :) x
Hahaha :) ahh you know too much sweetheart :P
Take some GHA GHA medicine :P hehehe! And watch the magic begin :D
Make an appointment and I\'ll see what I can do :D ! :P
Not many hot ones in our grade ey .. :P so I don\'t really have an answer for that one. Sorry :)
Haibo! I hope not :| I\'m going to have to find somewhere to hide.
Uhm that\'s sweet :) thank you... ♥ goodnight .
Haha. I had to ey!! I\'m sorry. Much love A :)
Haha... Ahh! This question again.. Uhm I have gone far enough .. :) x
Major clue.. But that still doesn\'t help much!! LoL STUCK.
You totally s*ck donkey b*m hairs! :P watch me find out . *
Teeeeellll meee :\'( x my cousin :)
Hahaha! Xx and that doesn\'t make it obvious at all ;) wait am I seeing you tomorrow? :P (after school) I might actually be WRONG!! :O
Ding ding ding!!! :D best question so far mate :) shot for that. Uhm.. Being married to an Australian!! :P haha. Nah I think it would be marrying my best friend and travelling forever.:)♥ being with someone who I can do anything and everything with.
I knOw!!! :| what the fudge . Anyways:P ahh I know who this iiiiiissss :) x
WOah .. Haha that was uncalled for.. I rate I\\\'m still a bit young to be that \\\"type of girl\\\" and I rate I won\\\'t ever be.... Well maybe under certain cir***stances I might have to be, but I dearly hope not :)
I actually don\'t know... :( complicated feelings. Xx
Haha. Maybe you should try ;).
I might have an idea :) haha, but I\'m not nearly 60% positive ... :P
Does it not say \"Join\" anywhere on your page ?
Haha. That\'s not true... :| wow. Interesting though. :P
Haha.. Carrots are good for you ;) but hey chocolate... maybe not as* good :P haha, I\'m kiDDing :)
Roxanne Hunter !!!! :D because she is the craziest person (: and she\'s the perfect fit for me !! ♥
Errr... Maybe☺ hahaha:P but I think you know the answer to that ;)
:| mind reading isn\'t my thing ey (: haha
Farrr enough .. :|
Its a gift you don\'t possess J!! :P like spelling;)
Haha. Obviously not ey Rox !
Of course my baaaaaby !!! (: haha. Much love R♥
I\'m not gay, I just wanna boogey to some Marvin ;) haha. My favorite patient :P
Nobody in particular. :) I don\'t really do the whole dating thing.