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L0l...well that ''ex bf'' of mine needs ta c0me 2 me and tell me such face-t0-face
L0l yesS. They hiLari0us.!
Buh i still d0nt geT the wh0le drag0nball z hypE that errrRb0dy is in...
Lma0.! Why u asking me???
Go checK em ouT!! Ha0
Yho. When lasT did i heaR that word.! Lol *lipZ seaLed*
These walls have ears!! Lol
Lol.,. DepeNdz
Lol ai, asK s0me0ne eLse ratHer..*giggLE*
L0l.! I w0nder why s0mEtimez but i guesS when u get 2 her a lil biT.,. She's a fuN & crWazZi pers0n, and i just s0o happeN ta click wif th0se kinda pe0ple :)
L0l heard l0adZ of ratHer sjupiT rum0urz b0ut me...its aLg0od th0u. D0nt affecT me in any way
"...all my single ladies!..." lol im single B