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Yeah kind of
It was so goooood:')
Tbh Your my bestfriend my sister my everything love you so much! You mean the world to me!! Love you so much you don't understand. If I haven't of seen you for like a day it makes me wanna text or cal or just see you cause that's how much you really mean to me! Love you so much xx
Tbh So nice al way good to talk to you! Always happy when we are together! And yeah really nice
Tbh Really nice in my grade and yeah
Not in order Charley Luke Riley Josh Charlie
Tbh Can be nice if you want to be! Pretty good at footy known you for a while:)
Tbh Don't really know you:)
Tbh Really nice good to talk to! Your like amazing at gymnastics and like every sport! And yeah:) pretty good looking:)
Tbh So nice! Pretty smart and just perfect! Amazing at everything especially gymnastics! So happy we are friends and yeah love you long time xx