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All I know is that it's Italian :))
Defs a who- and my mommy and daddy, and Jared (:(
Aw this is amazing xoxoxo
I know who this is and I told you to stay away. You're toxic
He's just got a tough time opening up to people, and also leaving them. But that's okay. He will figure himself out one day. ❤️ But I'm not going to keep chasing, you know? X
All I can say is people change at the most unexpected times and do the most unexpected things. Be careful who you open yourself up
To and allow into your life. ❣
He had a motorbike accident x
I was x
Eeennoooooo eeeyeessssss eeget your A$$ out of Portugal and come here!! I love you xoxoxox
Arrogance ?
Tired :(
Adele ?
I don't count silly :p