nompumelelo buthelezi
What will do if a boy asks u out in front of whole skwl Kide_o
I would be kinda shocked and say I will think about it
I wanna ask what's the most disgusting thing you ever did and you were caught Kide_o
The most I\'ve been caught doing is nothing I actually don\'t remeber
Hey...!!!what's the craziest thing u have eva done ?!?!...xXx Tee_Tee_TTlicous
The craziest thing I\'ve eva done is to fall down the field
Are u dating and why are you dating Kide_o
I\'m single I got no time for dating for some reason I\'m waiting for the time and right boy coz some boys aren\'t what u think u are some use u some don\'t like u they use u so be careful
Who are you dating and why?
I not dating anyone for your own information I\'m single