Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Thank you!! I kind of doubt myself now because clearly I'm displeasing to some :/
Sarah xx
It would be nice to know who the haters are to give me some piece of mind xx
-A!!! If that's anything related to a mark in a class I congratulate you, tremendous work!!! Please message me off anon I would love to know who you are xx
Thank you xx Please inbox me I would really appreciate knowing who are on the naughty or nice list xx
You're mad!!! Thank you though xx
You are the wonderful one, thank you xx
I didn't realise people knew who I was let alone hated me so it's alright Thank you xx ilyanon
Thank you much love x
I love you!
Alanah banana
I know it's all g
*breaks down into dancing*
Hang on I just have to do my shoelace up
What was your question, there is a 12000 work day waiting que for a answered questions
Sorry I've been a bit busy
260 days ago
My jeans or t-shirts. Somehow I always manage not to answer these questions correctly #indecisivelyf
I think about stress a lot of the time
Yes :/ and it s*cks all I want is for them to call me theirs, I don't need anything else from them other than that and a hug probably
This girl is on fire! I want to be cremated so the irony will be my last display
God ;) probably luke. Although I used to be a crazy lady and tell them to my dog Hollie
My personality, appearance, my opinions, my decisions/ life choices. I don't really know people are always going to hate me for something so they can decide for themselves
Not enough
Music on iTunes
No not at all! I'm a self confessed winter lover, I'd rather need a blanket and comfy warm clothes instead of ice and minimal clothing
Shamefully 238 minutes
Who is this? Didn't you get the point that I don't want to relive the memories, good or bad? Please leave it all in the past and move on
Wow isn't this a blast from the past! I can't ever see myself and Jasmin being anything but aquaintences. What happened, happened and I'd rather not relive the memories nor put them on the internet for everyone to see. But I'm not going to deny that I once was her friend. To answer your questions no I don't miss her and I can't see myself being her friend again for reasons that happened well over 2 years ago and beyond. It may seem harsh but I'm not going to forgive and forget. I was miserable and I believe it would be for the best if we weren't friends in the further. The end, case closed.
Can't I have beeeeeessssssttttt of both worlds
60inch just like my ****
How'd you do it?
A human. Probably not worth asking me because I'm just gonna come up with sarcastic answers :/
*insert inappropriate answer* my hands like houses t-shirt and blue jeans #swag
That no one can be that perfect. But they ate in my head and no matter what they say or do I can't find their flaws. I sound so horrible but crushes s*ck
Haha oh you :* I few a crush or two but nothing is going to happen so I'm up for anything. Inbox me
Tell the person I think I like that I like them :3 I sounds like such a love struck teenager
Nope but now I probably will ;) I do it for a for no benefit I'm just trying to help
I'm really not but thanks
8billion percent ;)
I would have said 'Thank you'
Luke, Tash, Bella, Dharma, Blair others
People, love
Music, tumblr, movies, friends, winter, jumpers, ice coffee, baggy t-shirts, piercings, tattoos, jeans, posters the list can go on forever
Well well well
I'm not soft grunge. All in or go home HARDCORE GRUNGE
To match my soul cool #grunge
Individual just trying to be accepted by society
Do you want them?
Move out of home :)
That I might just enjoy yr 11 <3 feeling like my timetable shall be fun >;)
That would be amazing!! I miss you guys so much <3
That I'm irritating, annoying, stupid, lazy, unattractive etc. They probably don't think the best of me
It's complicated. I'd rather not get into all my family problems on this so if you really want to know, inbox me.
No you're the pretty one :)
I would rather not say on this. If you really want to know I guess you can inbox me.
Okay I know I had my rant but can we put this behind us.
I am pathetic, because I'm not greatful for spending time with my family on Christmas......: oh wait I don't get invited to my family things and I have to watch my sister and my mum or my dad go off to "their" family's Christmas lunches whilst I'm left alone. Merry fu*king Christmas . Sorry I'm just slightly upset about what the person said because they don't understand but thanks
Last year I wasn't even invited to my family's Christmas lunch. They don't want me there. But thanks for pointing out that I am pathetic. Because boy oh boy I really want to spend time with a bunch of people who criticize every single thing about me. You don't know enough to make any sort of judgement.
It's just what happens in my family, I don't get presents. So I don't really like Christmas because to me it's just another day
Money...... But I won't get presents so yeah. I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS NOOOOOT -_-
Love you more :*
I have 20/20 vision
Me? Depressed? Have you met me? I can't be depressed
I just answered this. I miss lots and lots of people for different reasons and I am not going to prioritize the most to least important people I miss. If that makes any sense.
I miss more than ONE person and I miss them all for different reasons so there is no ONE that I miss the most.
Why did miley Cyrus bleach her eyebrows?
Seriously I will like any type of music. I do enjoy heavier "screamo" bands. Any one from the warped line up...... Hands like houses, Amity Affliction etc. I seriously love all genres of music accept maybe country but I still wouldn't rule it out
*tumblr inspired or what?* You are the most addicting thing in the world to me
I was wondering when I would be asked this. It's a long story.
Yes indeed I do :3
Oh but I really am :/ thanks though
I think you're wonderful
I'm really sorry that I have given you the impression as if I dislike you. Please inbox me. I would like to know who you are so I can tell you otherwise. It takes a lot for me to dislike someone and I don't want to be giving off the vibe as if I don't like people :/
Just a jump to the left And then a step to the right With your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives me insane!!!!!!!!! AND THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE ;)
I just woke up so and I havent spoken to anyone yet.......... there hasent been a chance to lie even if I could
Thinking about it now I did okay I am just overreacting I just wish I hadn't of had a panic attack throughout it :/
Well l never
You don't think I already knew that! I own mirror and trust me I hate my reflection. Sorry you have to see me:/
Dead or alive? Because at the moment I'm all alone so I'm missing quite a few people :/
My self esteem and my appearance
Moi? I don't really know the guy, although we were in the same yr 7 and 8 class together :/
Um I guess. Why?
:( I hope your feet feel better soon
Dharma why are you so wolly?
I'm going to have to say no. Sorry, try again next time :*
My body is shaking uncontolably and it won't stop :/
No, *you're* the most beautiful girl I have ever *met* <3
I don't tend to tell anyone EVERYTHING but I guess I tell Blair most things and Dharma lately