Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Aww thank you! That's cute.
Haha, you are making me blush.
You're adorable darling.
Lachlan pls.
Oh my goodness, so much pressure! Why don't you tell me?
Depends on the day really.
To be honest, it's physically impossible for me to hate someone and to dislike someone for long periods of time. I'd say people annoy me but I don't necessarily hate or dislike anyone.
She's really sweet, haven't spoken in awhile though x
I changed my mind, would you like me to put it back up?
To become attractive.
This questions been asked before ....
Anytime after 22.
Far North Queensland.
To try go a week without gossiping about others. :)
My love for Zoe, is beyond words.
No, seriously please do. I promise you I won't make it awkward. I just want to know who this is
Thank you! Can you inbox me please, I would like to know who you are. xx
This made my day, thank you so much. You're the sweetest person alive again thank you.
Hey anon, I'm good how are you?
Blue eyed lad.
Yes. :P
Possibly. ;)
Emma she's a doll. <3
Honey, I don't think that's any of your business. Keep your nose out of other peoples life's. :)
No one.. :)
My skin colour. :)
That does seem quite nice.
Hey anon! My day was fine, how was yours?
They go alright.
Nope, no hook up last night.
Yes and I'm more than sure the person knows who they are. :)
Didn't have one.
Oncology Paediatric Nursing.
Molly. Pls.
.... Wut.
Hahaha! Thanks Molly!
No one.
He's a fa ggot
She's fabulous, I love her! :)
I have absolutely no idea.
Who is K. O, anon?
That's for me to know. :D
I don't have a best friend. I have a few really close friends.
I'm sure that person knows who they are.
When people are hypocritical.
Aww that's sweet, thank you. But no I don't have boyfriend.
You are hawtie, and really nice!
Yes I have.
Wow, anon. Thanks for the advice. Though I don't see the point of wearing tons of makeup to school. I'm happy with the way I look, even if I do look a mess to everyone else.
Hahahaha, none of your business anon.
Nope, I'm single. :)
I'm not going to lie. I'm an emotional person, I cry often.
Angelo! I'm actually so excited!
Yes I do, he's my friend and I care about all my friends. Cam is a good guy and that question I was asked was ridiculous. I'd be upset if anyone was suicidal/depressed. Especially if it was one of my friends.
Really great girl! Miss seeing her round.
Why would you ask me this question?
Yeah for sure! Blue eyes are just my favourite.
Nah not at the moment, sorry anon. :)
Nothing, we are just friends.
I'm glad they are both happy. :)
Alright Anon.
It's actually really sad, I don't have one.
I have not once told anyone to kill themselves. That is the worst thing you can tell anyone to do and I will never ever stoop so low. Whoever you are getting your information from is wrong. I do not go around saying stuff about Cam and I will continue to not say anything.
It's not my place to say and honestly, what happened between the two of them is their business not yours.
Blue eyes. I love blue eyes.
Girls: Molly, Grace B, Tylah. Guys: Josh S, Ross.
She's stunning. And if I'm honest, I miss our friendship.
Aww, thank you so much! That means heaps.
You know nothing. So please leave me alone.
Umm, thanks? Haha.
SHES MY TWIN!! I love her so much, she's so gorgeous and so classy. She manages to always cheer me up no matter what mood I'm in. xx
He's not useless don't even say that, Leave him alone.
Yeah still friends.
Till my times up I guess.
Haha, you'll never know.
Whatever happened between me and Cam is none of your business.
You never tell anyone to kill themselves. One day they may and you could be held responsible. We wouldn't want that would we anon.
Really nice guy, helped me through a lot. Great friend and I miss talking to him.
You're absolutely stunning and one of my best friends. You've Been through a lot of stuff you didn't deserve, you are so strong. Don't let others tell you otherwise. Love you girlie. xx
Nope, but thanks for asking.
Oh for sure
Do what you like.
Whatever you want it to be.
What the hell?
Mm, I think you may have a problem.
No, I have never.
You are going to get me into trouble.
Don't talk to people I don't know.