Why do you keep you so kak and you can't even dj?
Aysh? I dunno hay.who ever you are_ and you have me on bbm ping and well settle things out?
Do u get wet dreams
Ahhh sis mahn_ kill yourself please_
Y do u always take ur picz frm da side?
Coz I'm different . to other people
Why you so handsome killo?^
I dunno
How do you keep your good looks?
I dunno hay_ lol
Who loves u the Most in the World
My parents obviously>•and may b u do?
How 2 kiss a girl/boy
I dunno
Ja smoober I miss you my hubbykins/cuzzy NaykieBoo
Lol who this ping me on bbm
Do u like a lot of girls
Must I lik a lot of boys?
Why are there always so many girls names as your status ?
For fun...#
What's ur full name?
Shaquille esau
Would Ɣouu ever date christen?
Don't know her
Where do u live?
In a house