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Im honest. Dont believe me?

92 Replies

What names would you give to
a) your pet
b)your son
c) your daughter

a) chuck (dog)
b) Damian
c) Anaya/ Imani/ Anaîs

King.larrr replied 2735 days ago

What makes you genuinely happy?

Food ??

King.larrr replied 2735 days ago

are sure you are Zimbabwean because your so pretty

Yes i am ?? aww thank youu ?❤❤❤❤?

King.larrr replied 2735 days ago 1

What should be free, but isn't?

Happiness ?

King.larrr replied 2752 days ago 1

If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?


King.larrr replied 2754 days ago

"You've changed rapidly.....I sometimes dont recognise who you are besides your face..."
Honest reaction to these words if said to you

Well its true...people grow and change through experiences that come with yes...i have changed, im a whole new me...nice to meet you.

King.larrr replied 2754 days ago

This was a major argument one night.... What would music would you prefer between reggae,hip hop and classical/ochestra

Hip hop though i am starting to find reggae quite interesting but im team Hip Hop all the way

King.larrr replied 2757 days ago

?Uhm how old are you and what grade are you in....are you originally from sa or?

Im 16? in grade 10 and no im originally from Zimbabwe ???????

King.larrr replied 2758 days ago

Have you recently met anyone interesting

??? actually yes....but the word, "interesting" would be an understatement

King.larrr replied 2759 days ago

If you were part of a toastmasters club or any speach club
what would you use the benefits for:
a) Motivational Speaking
b) Become a Lawyer
c) As a Literature Major who writes exquisite books

P.s. its Lionel and yes I know I ask goofy,nerdy questions....

??? lol i love your questions

King.larrr replied 2765 days ago

So sad....for me.???
I wanted to be your boyfriend
Buy Im happy for yall????

Oh my God wow! ???? whoever you are, you're so extra ❤ thank you so much happy too ???

King.larrr replied 2778 days ago

Who's your current bf and how long have you been dating?

His name is ?Exauçè? and its been about 5 months

King.larrr replied 2779 days ago

What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?

Denim shorts...they look fly on everyone else but on me its just...?

King.larrr replied 2779 days ago


?Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy ???❤

King.larrr replied 2823 days ago

Here's a scenario. You and a rapist are on a tall platform over a deep pit. You knock them off but they grab the edge and hold on. You stand above them, looking down at them hanging off the edge for dear life.

In detail how do you make them let go and fall?

???? wtf? Thats so twisted, i wouldnt let him fall, id help him up, its not up to me who lives and who dies no mattter who you are or what you have done, thats none of my business thats between you and God

King.larrr replied 2833 days ago