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Don't worry just ask me anything.

23 Replies

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

People being fake and judgementel

King.reckless replied 2347 days ago

What race are you?


King.reckless replied 2351 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

Shouting at my mom

King.reckless replied 2368 days ago

Why did Anna leave you?

Ask her

King.reckless replied 2380 days ago

You crushing on someone?


King.reckless replied 2390 days ago

What is the worst decision you ever made?

Go to Welwitchia

King.reckless replied 2396 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

To never date your ex more than 3 times

King.reckless replied 2401 days ago

School and grade ?

Welwitchia grade8

King.reckless replied 2439 days ago

What quote do you live by?

You can be in a relationship for 2 yrs & feel nothin, or 3 months &I feel everything. Time is not a measure of quality, of infatuation, or love

King.reckless replied 2511 days ago

Are you a record producer?


King.reckless replied 2514 days ago

What needs to stop ?

Hearts being broken ??

King.reckless replied 2516 days ago

Why do you say your ex's friend is your best friend?

Cause I trust her and if sth is wrong with my ex she will tell me

King.reckless replied 2519 days ago

Thoughts on tina royal

Don't get the question?

King.reckless replied 2519 days ago

Do you dance?

Yep it's my Angolan lifestyle???

King.reckless replied 2520 days ago 1

The last girl that you kissed?


King.reckless replied 2520 days ago 1