When were you the most happy and why?
When I didn't know the value of money. Because money is the root of all evil!
What are you bad at ?
Being patient...
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
Some r so close minded.
Who are you currently ignoring and why?
My FWB, she likes to brag and act like I'm cool with it.
What is something you need to get off your chest?
Taco sauce!
hello ?❤
what is the one thing you really wish did not exist at the moment? babygirl_xx
What is on your mind?
Bathroom and wat I want to eat...?
The last lie you told ?
A girl she was beautiful.... (she was having a bad day)
What are you afraid of ?
Snakes, and meeting dumb ppl.
Who is your best friend ?
too many to list.