Kirsten Peters
What's your biggest fear Ne_Carla
I don't even know actually
youngest age you would date?
One year younger than myself possibly ?
Where you studying next year?
Medicine ?
Do you know Aadil Junaude
Why you's so $exy???????
Thank you?❤
We were never allowed to sleep together because we laughed to much in bed ??❤️
What you love the most about your girlfriend?
Her beautiful personality and her hair❤
Which one of your male friends would you date??
Lol? Dale Brauns ???
Testing testing...
s*cka Bala 1 2 nigggaaaa???
Whats your side chicks name?
Your name
If you could change two things about society what would you change? brother.nicole
I don't like these long questions?
If you could chose anything in the world to be endless what would you want that something to be? brother.nicole
Hmm? endless love?
What's not nice about being you? brother.nicole
Having pimples and sht like that??
Who's the friend you'd eat a whole extra extra large pizza with? brother.nicole
Darshan Soobramoney?
Everything dies eventually right?
Who are you taking to your matric dance
My girlfriend
When u realise that you haven't done any of your homework?
Who is the friend you'd rob a store with?
Darshan Soobramoney?
Who is the friend you'd rob a store with? brother.nicole
Darshan Soobramoney?
What do you think makes you different from others? brother.nicole
You should ask those others?
What's your favourite time of day? Why? brother.nicole
The evening, it's romantic ?
What do you like doing with your hair? brother.nicole
I don't have straight hair so there's nothing?
Is it right to date your teacher? Why? brother.nicole
Yes? cos u always get one of those $exy teachers??
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
How does it feel to be the leader of the Jungle Buddies ?? ?
?? nah I'm promoting u as leader from now on? congrats my dear??
Ow Mr Peters... Holdays are gonna be lit.
Oh yes it shall??
What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?
Pleasuring themself...
If you could be any age
for a week, what age would
that be?
23 and a half?
Your current position at pinetown boys in your grade ?
Ever dated a girl from PGHS?
Which school do you go to
That school with the teachers and the students. Its a good school?
What cheers you up?
Good food and money?
I'm stalking you
Okaaay.... Ima just say thank you?
What question do you hate to answer ?
What's your favorite food or something
I don't have favorites?
What was the last lie you
"It wasn't me"?
Testing Testing
s*cka bala 1.2 testing
What's it like to be you?
Its lovely?
Who is your best friend ?
I love you, do u love me??
I got mad love for you?