Kirsty Paulsen
lamborghini mercy
Awesome Song...
What creepy crawlie (like bugs) would you be voluntarily?
None What So Ever...
Have you released a weggie in public?
Nope, Not Yet...
If you had a day free today, who would you spend your day with?(Mention Name/s if person is more than one)
I Dna...
*squeeze* #WinkWink
i love you... so much.
Love ?ou 2...
eks lief vir jou krewty
i tnk ur stlkaz r gn
No They Not I Just Don't Answer What They Say...
Will you go out with me
No Who You...
I Love yuu Kirsty
Aww Thank You...
I miss you sweets
Um Who You?...
Would yu go lesbian by any chance
Lol No...
Why u so mean lately
Tired Of Been Walked Over...
Who's JKCKB?
Jody Kirsty Cody Kimmy Brent...
wie gee jy die beste drukkies wie gee jy die beste soene.
Ek Ken Nie Met Soene nie, Maar Met Drukkies Shaylyn, Jabzie And Mandla En Dit Gaan Aan...
If someone ask 1 more kak question. I'll find you and brick u. And stick ur head up ur as*hole!
Ai I'm Just Deleting Them I Really Don't Care Anymore...
Who is the one friend of yours that can make your day good when its bad?
Everyone But On Most Days Its Always Shaylyn...
Krewty, Kresty... im still laughing abwt that
who is ur favourite kisser? hugger? boyfriend? friend? person overall?
Don't Have...
Ja Ne...
You know kirsty don't even wowi bout this people they need 2 get their f***en facts right,yol all f***en coward u can't tell the girl 2 her face sies!
Thank You... I'm So Over It Right Now...
Hoe vol dit om swanger te wees?
O f***... Now You Just Crossed A Mother f***en Line... You Bladdy Bit** Don't Come f***en Say shi* Like That Okay... Fok Jou Wuh...
Does your ou know about your reputation?
What Reputation...
Vol jammer vir jou ou wat sukke hoer vir 'n meddie het...
Jas*as... Dis Mos Hom Story Nie Joune Nie...
Jys ma net 'n tief
Jy Ook...
Are you dating luciano?
No I'm Not Why?...
Do yu like havin a refriendship with jabs
Who Wouldn't...
Because its not like you
Show How Little You Actually Know About Me...
Jelly Bean, Don't Let These Bit**es Get You Down. You Got Me, Jody, Cody And Brent On Your Side. Mother F###ers Don't Know Who They Messing With. JKCKB For Life
Thank You Jelly Baby... Love You... Ja Ne *JKCKB*... Don't Stress But Its Not Getting To Me, Its Just Irritating...
Kirsty P. Stop swearing please
Sincerely:Lemon crisp
No Why?...
Kpz why must you swear?
So I Must Be Sworn And Just Leave It...
I love you kirsty
Love You2...
Poes jy ken wie ek is
Nwata, jou poes
Jou Fokken Tief
Jasas... Wie Da Fok Is Jy?
Jy gaan aan soos jy ken oor wat gaan alles
As Ek Geken Het Sal Ek Jou Kla Gemaak...
Jas*as jou is nou soos Outoilet wuh maar net oor jou
Rerig Neh...
Guys who ever is reading this back off kirsty and leave her alone !!!! Who de hell do you think you are to mess with her piss off!!!!!
Thank You... Jas*as
Wies Die Ou Oor wie jy baklai?
Ek Wil Dan Ook Weet Wuh...
Lmk, jys dan kla een
Jou Fokken Cont...
Van Jys A Tief
Wat Da Fok Maak My 'n Tief Toe?... Jys Dan 'n Cont Wuh Hou Op Om My 'n Tief Te Roep Voor Dat Jy Rerig 'n Tief Gaan Fokken Sien...
Kirsty calm down please
For What Reason Huh?...
Vir wat moet ek kom wys
Bly Jy Op My Fokken Account Huh? Jys Mos Nie Bang Jou Tief, Nou Kom Met Jou Vuil Mannere En Kak Praat... Maak Ma 1ce Alles Kla, KOM BLEDY KAK GEWONT MET JOU POES GAIT...
Fokken tief hou op met jou tseks wuh. Jy maak dan kak naar toe
Jou Uit Genaaide Poes, Hou Jou Fokken Bek... Kom Na My Toe, Jy Wil Mos Kak Aan Gaan, Nou Kom Fokken Wys... Jas*as Moeg Vir Jou Fokken Kak... Jou Bleddy Poes Wuh Nou Kom Fokken Wys Of Los My Fokken Uit...
Jou POES, jys 'n hoer en dis al toe
Watte Kak Mannere Het Jy... Tsek Wuh...
Who are your favourite male friends?
Jabu, Brent, Jody, Cody, Keagan And Devon Etc....
Hoekm moet ek dit in jou gesig se? Huh jy ken dan kla jys a tief
Are You f***en Kidding Me... Nou Rerig Hoekom Moet Jy Dit In My Gesig Se?, Ek het dan Gedink Jys Mos Nie Bang Nie... Nou Vra Jy Hoekom? Jas*as Jou Poes Wuh
Jou Bit** eks dan nie bang vir jou,
Yoh Is Dit... Dan Hoekom Gaan Jy Aan Oor Qooh.Me Huh? Ek Se Ma Nou Kla Dat Jy Beter Jou Fokken Kak Op Hou En Jarri Fokken Los My Name Uit Jou Mond Uit Jou Uit Genaaide Poes... Kom Ma Once Jys Mos Nie Bang Nie...
Jou bleddy Tief. Jou fokken poes wuh om word naar met iemnd oor 'n x. Nee fok you den a skank jou hoer
Hoor Vir Jou... Tsek Jou Fokken Uit Geregde Poes... Wie Die Fok Dink Jy, Jy Is, Hou Op Om Suke Fokken Dik Bek Op Qooh.Me Te Het En Kom Fokken Se Dit Vir My In My Gesig... Jas*as Jys Dan 'N Fokken Bang Broke POES... KOM EK WAG Vir Jou, Jou Hoer Mate Tief...
What's ur relationship status?
Don't yu miss Jody, Cody and Brett?
Obviously I Miss Them...
That awesome moment When we 'eye flirt' #wink wink
Lol That's Our Thing... Lol #wink
Why are you always asked about chad and yet you dated him 3years ago and they still ask such.
Well Me And Chad Are Still Friends So Many That's Why But Otherwise I Don't Know Hey...
Y did u date chad in grd 8?
I Really Liked Him And I Wanted To...
Why don't u just move
To Satisfy You?... No Thank You...
Why are u SOOo stingy with gloves auntie?
Lol Because Its Mine Haw....
Who do u love more Devon or Chad?
Devon... His My Brother I Gota Love Him More, His There For Me With Alles... I Love Devon More Duh...
What's popping with
u nd keagz
Ai let's leave that's...
Wavza so waт gaan jy maak met daai teffie?
Het hy dan ook gehoor?... Ai jy moet ma kla ken...
You like Z, you like Z. Would you date him?
Lol Cough Cough... I Don't Know...
Can yu plz stop lykin my bf pictures
LMK, Ai You Funny...
Who were those 2 owens you and your sister were walking around with
My Cousins Why?...
cornish nd in any way?
Jip I Love Chad Cornish...
Would u date your exes again
I Would Because Everyone Should Get A Second Chance But Not For The Same Mistakes Tho...
what hpnd 2 keaganz initals as ur sm? What's popping now...
Lol Gosh... I Was gona put it in arabic that's why its off but lol the same old same old is popping...
I love u and u love me so what's stopping us
Um... Sorry But Who You?
What is it exactly(CCCCC)
Coffee. Coke. Chocolate. Chad And The Other C You Tell Me Lol...
Whch white guys b*m do u like? Not including da 1 around da coner
Lol Um Let Me Think... The Only Other White Guy I Know With A Nice b*m Is Chad...
Who u think u gona marry
Um Well I Don't Know I'm Not Thinking About Marriage Right Now...
Do u lve chad?
Mmm Which Chad And 'Love' In What's Way?
U were in love with him at one stage ne
Yes I Actually Was In Love With Him At One Stage...
Do u thnk u nd siza's friendship will ever go bk 2 normal?
Well I'm Not Sure About That Only Time Will Tell Hey...
Ish Jelly Bean sorry for your loss, Hope you okay tho. Miss you Gang-Gang Love you Jelly Bean♥ phone☎ u soon
Jelly Baby... Thanks And Jip I'm Okay... I Miss You Gang- Gang 2... Love You Jelly Baby?...
You has the softest hands and who gives the best hugs?
Who?... Lol Hands- Chad And Hugs- Mandla Hands Down...
Hw long was ur last relationship?
2 Months...
Hw mny times did u blunt
Twice Only...
Have u ever smoked? Honestly and what brand did u smoke?
Yes And Courtly(Mind The Spelling)...
Kirsty wen ppl strt askin if you'll go lez 4 them mks me wonder that u not telling me
LMK... Ai I'm Wondering What's Going On Myself...
Thought u nd Jody were gona last for ever, but it seems like u really like this Keagan dude
Ja Most People Thought It Was Gonna Last But Ja Ne... Lol Jip I Really Do Like Keagan...
What does CCCCC stand for?
Thinks I Love A Lot...
Hw mny keagans and tylers do u know?
A lot Hey...
Wat hppnd btwn u nd jody
kirsty ur very very se*y u must gai me a kiss one day (u know who I am were close)
LMK... Who You Like Really?
Ek hou jou dop, hou jou dop. Hou Jou Stere Dop:P:P:P
Ayoh Yoh Yoh, Awa Wa Wa...
Would u go lez 4 me?
LOKL... Who Are You????????
You are so friken se*y gosh, skat wear a costume out the house more often plz
LMK, Thanks But Who You?...
Following on about the other day's convo u still dnt answer K,S,J, Jo or B?
K Without A Doubt...
Why dnt u jst date KK
Long Stories...
Do u like Z?(Ur bro's friends brother)
Um Kinda...
I know who u like
O Really...
Ooh Mrs Evans, Ek hou jou dop wuh.
Lol Jy Kan My Dop Hou...
Watz poppin wit you and Keagz?
wu u jln
No One Really...
Who u dating Auntie?
Um No One Really...
I tel u mos almst evryday abt ur braze, during da week I'l cme 2u nd tel u alles face 2 face Skat...
Thank You...
KP's u rlly dnt wna knw skat, jou chomas vat gat van jou rerig thy actin lyk dy dnt knw **** but skat hlle praat kak
Please Tell Me Who You Are... En Dankie Wuh...
Ur fnds VASHA, SHAY, SIZA, CHES ND CHAD r syin alta kk abt u bhd ur bck clin u a sknk nd gld dgger cz ur bfs 23 Dy act al nxa wt u in ur fce bt gla da tngs dy syn abt u nd da tngs bn sd bhd ur bk is shkin nd u cl dm brze Chs ur brze ply Im jt lkin ot 4 u
Tjo Really... Please Tell Me Much More...
Who's 1prsn u really opened up2
No One...
U were wit ur mother in law 2day (confused face) mther in law already?
Lol She's Not Really My Mother In Law, She Calls Me Here Daughter In Law So Ja But She's Like My Aunt Cause She's My Mommy's Friend...
Why u like durban boys?
I Don't Know I Just Get Along With Them Much Easier Then Any Guy From Here Lol...