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Kirstyn tucker



600 Replies

but i love you, and i want you here:( madi.xo

Well I'm leaving anyways...:(

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

I know we aren't as close as we used to be.. but in all honesty I'm always going to be here for you. even if you don't like me. ShyanAlexis

I love you, and I miss you so much:( I know you're here, I just...don't like talking.:/

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

Hts on Jadeyn, Katie, morgan

Jadeyn-90% of the time I can't stand her but honestly it seems like she's growing up alot& if that's the case I'll definitely start talking to her more! Over all she's a sweet girl but sometimes she takes things too far which is where she really pisses me off, she's a pretty girl& she knows I'm here if she ever needs to talk. Katie -same thing with jadeyn, most of the time I can't stand her and I haven't talked to her in a while so idk if she's any different but if she decides to grow up and stop being a hypocrite than I'll definitely put the past in the past and start fresh but until she makes an effort nothing will change, not like we'll be friends or anything, ever but if she wants to talk she knows I'm here, we've had this conversation many times, she's a pretty girl and if she changed her attitude I'm sure she'd be a lot better off, not that I have room to talk, just my opinion . &morgan- we don't talk, I've never had problems with her, she seems a little sassy but if it's not towards me , I have no problem:) she seems like a sweet girl& I'm here if he needs to talk !:)

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

I saw you in pmills bawling the other day, you were alone and you looked really upset, here if u wanna talk

I usually stay inside, aha but ya, u didn't think anyone saw that:/ this is exactly what I mean tho you don't know whoo I am, idk who u are and you're saying "here for you" you're definitely not.

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

do you like Ricardo Duarte?

I actually love Ricardo, he gives good advice& is so easy to talk to:) but i don't exactly catch feelings so no

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

I think ur misunderstood .....


Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

I thought u would've killed yourself by now

A lot of people do eh?

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago


I'm aware, thanks

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

You're such a ***** it's hillarious:')

Hahah what? If this says *****, ya... I am. Only if you deserve it:')

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago 1

Thoughts Nathaniel.wilson

You're my brother& ilysm. I miss you and were drifting but ... Idk, I try, you don't so I guess maybe you don't care anymore but:/..idk, I'm hfy always ..

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

You're beautiful. Never let anyone get you down. You're awesome!

Funny every other one says the opposite

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3886 days ago

s*ck my fat ****

ya baby. I love it fat, maybe it won't just be in my mouth?;);) link up for some k**ky *exting

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3899 days ago

He also said that he fisted you .

LOLOL no **** off

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3971 days ago

Love me love me ....uh la you love ...
It's a song ... But still love ya


Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3973 days ago

Are u pragnent from josh .......
That's all he was talking about today.

LOLOLOLLOLOL never. No. Ew. No. I'm not pregnant, goodbye

Kirstyn.tucker20 replied 3973 days ago