Kirstyn Starck:)
Kirstyn u r thee most hottest girl ever mwah :-))))
Thanks babe:), I'm sure you hot too<3;).
Am i your frend sanie10
I don't even know you:|.....
did u vrey with Caleb:D?
Nope, why would I ???
Txx for always being there fore me,making me laugh wen i wna cry nd tx for being such an awesome friend♥
Alee was here :$
Awww, its no problem love:)<3 !!!! I will always be there for you:). Love you mahn:p.
Any regrets???
Yeah, I regret dating a certain boy:)...
When is your birthday?
20th of March:)
I saw you:G...
No you never:$....
Can you twerk:$?
What's yo'fav sport? Rihaz13
Hockey<3 :)))))
Are you and Liam going out?
No we're not:|.
Are you lesbian?
NO, I'm not lesbian:|!!!!!!!!
Do Uu hate me Kirstyn ??
No, how could I hate you:)????
Who was the regest boy you dated?
Hmmm:)))) me and I'll tell you;;).
Deen told me that you guys went out? Is it true:)???
Nah, Deen's talking nonsense mahn:(.
Who do u like?
No one at the moment:p...
Luke from church how much lukes do u know dannye
Have you smoked before?
Nope, never:).
do u like Keanu?
Hmmm, who are you::[??????
Can I get your number<3?
Kirstyn is thee most prettiest girl I know , you funny , sweet and so adorable and I can tell you anything :) ♥ I just love you Kirstyn :P you complete me babe ♥ :D.
Megs was here :D
Awww<3, I love you more maaahn♡:p. You are like the other half of my life:).!!! Can't wait to see you hun;) xx.
I want you<33
I'm gonna kill you:)
Haha, you can try:$...
Do you like me?
Well, it depends on who you are babe;).
Do u know how I am
I wanna have *ex with u
Wtf?! Euw, go and get a life mahn:( !!!
if u could date anyone in the world who would u pic
Justin Bieeeber<3!
What's your favourite food?
Pizza<3:p !
Let's do Dogy style <3<3
Do u know who I am??
No I don't know who you are:) ?
Would u go out with any of ur male friends
y u so beautiful
lol, I was born that way:). Nah I'm just joking mahn;;) . I dunno:$....
Do u know andrea sanie10
Yes I do:)
Who is ur bbf and would u ever have gone out with him
Seth and Junaid:). I have gone out with one of them already so yeah:$....
U a *****:)
It takes one to know one;)</3.
Out of all the boys in ur school, who would u date?
I would date none of them :$.
How many boys did u date?
I don't know:|.
Can u dance:)?
Uhm, kinda:$:D...
U hve a nice as*
Urhm, thanks I guess:/ ?
Did you ever dye your hair before?
Nope :$
I think your beautiful
Thanks love<3:).
What's your twitter address ?
@kirstyn_starck :)
What's your favourite movie?
Do you think you pretty ?
Do you think I am?
Who is ur crush
That's for me to know;)
Have you ever vryed before
Will you go out with me<3?
Who are you:)))?
Were you at the ball?
Yeah I was:)
Are u on twitter?
Yep I am:)
Will you s*ck my d*ck?
Go get a life:/ !!!!
What is ur favourite colour?
Baby blue♡:).
How r u frends with mei shan sanie10
Urhm, we not really friends:$....
Would u ever date a boy who is 4 yrs older than u?
I don't depends:p....
Describe megs :) ♥
Aahh Meghan:|... crazy, gorgeous, funny....hmm:$...
Who do u like
Wouldn't you like to know;).
Are you lesbian?
No, I am not lesbian:|
You are beautiful <3.
Awww<3, thanks mahn:)!!! I'm sure you are too;;).
Would u go out with Junaid again?
What do u wanna be one day?
I'm not sure yet:(? I just wanna be successful:$:p!
I love you.
Aww:D, I love you too:)
Have u ever s*cked a ****
Noooooooo:|!!! what a messed up question:(
Who do you like?
That's for me to know:)...