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Mister Rhodes.


Ask me whatever, or send hate.

44 Replies

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

Egos around the locker room.

KissThyRing replied 2526 days ago

Renee young is hot

Not really. I'd say @GothLivesWithin and @LastBeaconLeft are.

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

when do you plan on leaving

/I ask myself that a lot, I don't know honestly. You know, I've met a lot of people. Some I called friends, and others not So much. I was shown who my true friends were when those lies were made up. Isn't it funny how fast people switch up on you? Honestly, the ONLY people to stick by my side were a beautiful Peyton portrayal, Chelle, Angel, Mikey, Eli, and others. In the end, I'm here to have a little fun. I'm not here for the lies, deception, and other things. So, the day I leave won't be made public. Nope, I'll just drift off ya' know? Hell, I may even just dm someone the password and log out.

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

Fav Dean

I follow em

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

// Fav Dean's?

/One's I follow

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

/ fav Reneeā€™s?


KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

Fave people in general

/Pretty much Chelle, Angel, Mikey, and Aiden

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

/ Favorite Naomi?

/Obviously @LastBeaconLeft

KissThyRing replied 2528 days ago

/ fav Seth ?

/@IowasGreatest & @GodsFinalGift

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

/ favorite interviewer rps


KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

wild things you done did

/Sent nudes to @LastBeaconLeft, various shades are out there these days.

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

|| Favorite Japanese wrestlers in history of WWE? PowaOfTozawa

/Funaki, Tajari.

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

|| favourite oc

/@MilitantFighter & @SirenOfVice

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

ANy fav carmellas

/@CashAndDiadems, @OnRoyalStatus, and others

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago

| Nikki rps you like

@NoFearsAreFound writer is nice

KissThyRing replied 2531 days ago