Quanitta Ackermann
Who's you're Crush ?
H e H e H e-♡ that's mahh secret !!
Hey hey kittaqii just wanna say stay awesome and cute like you always are Call_Me_Nico
H e H e H e-♡ the cuteness comes naturally !! :p
Hey soo ja wi is daai ou van wi jy hou ?
H e H e H e-♡ ℳу geheimpiie :p !!
Eks mal oor jou ek eke dink eke is lief vir jou
I'd like to saYy the same but there's only one person in the world for me-
Why so sad lately?
Cause the one person I truly loved promised me theYy won't ever hurt me then he left! </3
Heyy mah bestiie just poping in 2 say that I ȴσυϵ γεώ 2bits and ur simply amazing !! Don't ever change for anyone cuz ur beautiful and will always be.. From γεώ know who.. :P mwazz !!! <3
AwHhhh thanxxiehz mii bestiie love you lots like vodka shots! X o X o! <3
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
When α guy thinks he can get any girl, or when he think's he's the ****!
There is a guy out there that would give you the world and would love u, do you know who he is? I know
I have no Idea- Ping me on BBM-
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Who would you take a bullet for?
My Bestfriend, friends, Boyfriend, and Family...*
Eke dink jy is beautiful.. En eks MAL oor jou!
Ihmm dankii pshh :$! Maar wii is jyh?
Is jy jy in 'n verhouding of is jy single
Eke wil jou sien
Wie is jy?
Ek hou heavy baie van JOU ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, vriendin hahahahahaha
LoL ek hou ook heavy baie van myself....#
Liefies jou my tokomende vrou mwah mwah
IhMmm thanXx??
I always knew that love would come find me someday
but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way
you caught me off guard and took me by surprise
but you simply captivated ........
AwHhh thanxx,, means alot to me! {()}
Hey Giirla.. Always remember.. Your beautiful! And its a total cliche.. But still.
Thanxx alot-- X o X o
Eke is ju secret admire shhhhh =D laaiktjies j m gedifie?
LoL okay...*
Sooo I go now?
If you really want 2,, then enjoYy yourself!
QuanitaQii miss juw bje wens ons kan we kuier liefste esmie:P*
Hii Hii girlaa,, miss vi jouw oowk bjawh,, sal reel dat ons eendag weah kyer jowngii!
Roses ar red violets ar blue but you are the girl of my dreams mwa lovies u
Who are you?
Mis j my soos regtig*!! Waarheid sal bja beteken
Wii is jy?
Hi Kitta. How r u doing, you are pretty, even thou we don't talk on bbm, I see your profile pictures. But you seem like a nice person
Hi, I've been better, thanxx, we should start talking sometime.....
They say true love is blind, that real romance is timeless, you're like my favorite movie play it an rewind it ..
What's your intention by that?
Eyy* you *exy some of a frewnd*hope u enjoy your day* Loviez you*Nella* dianella
EyY neLii kinTt ...ђƐђƐђƐ... Thanx уєω 2!
Het jyh imand's spesifiek wi jy like?... Se my net in watter skool of graad hy/sy is :p
JahH, en daai is my geheim! ;)
If I like you and you maybe like me will you give it a chance?
Just ping me
Ahhhhhhh Kitta Eks Malllll ƪιεƒιι Ɉuw.. Jys Amaziing En Soosin Die Awesomeste Bestiiie Ooit !!! Н̣̇εн̣̇εн̣̇ε okay bye.. :P
Ahhh ℳу Ŧαмz*̩*̩ mal ใ*̩єƒ_♡ vir Ĵυ̲̣̥
ω ook,, ...ђƐђƐђƐ... JyHZ dii beste Bestiie wavoor ξҠ kAn vra PshhHh! :P
It's me scared boy, I'm a bit older than you and I know you're parents won't allow it :(
Just ping me on BBM cuz i HoneStly dunno who уєω are sow yeah! ;)
The greatest moment in your life ?
The day I discovered what True love should be like....
Is daar iemand wat jy laai?
Yes, There is α real special boy in my life and he means the world to me!
Do you love me ???
I can't tell cause i don't know who you are...
Hi there beautiful, I like you very much but to scared to tell you
Don't be scared I'm just α normal person like everyone else, it's not like I'm gonna bite your head off!