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14th June.
Aww thanks I'm 19 ?
No I was born at a hospital.
When I found out I was eligible to study pharmacy .
12 April
Sit in my room with movie buddies like a good girl ??
Aww thanks...puberty you know
Why not Rhodes ??
Yeah it's chilled
Just hey
The good kind
Thanks I try ??
At times yes but I know my worth ??
Thank you so much ❤?
Yeah some of them are really cool people. I can't wait to meet his Durban friends tho ?? I'm super keen.
18 turning 19 in 16 days ??
Not that I remember. So nope but that would be hella awkward ??
Being back home with my friends and family
There's so much, if I could redo the year I would but also I was told everything happens for a reason and this year I've been so happy and I cant wait to see what's next so its a bitter sweet thing hey.
Thank you but im not sure hey.
Yes of course you can?
Yes and no. I wasn't a very mature person
People assuming sht. Like nah fam come up and ask, you'll get an answer.
Hell to the NO. That boy pulls psycho moves.
Procrastination for sure.
No one, my boyfriend taught me to not care or waste my time on haters, I love him for that ♥
Aston Martin DB9in black❤
Lol,I hope so too babes after tomorrow xx
Awww I miss you too beautiful, soon boo soon.?❤
You mean Are* right?
Ohh okay.....
100% sure he will but it will never happen.
I did, you just didn't like the reply.
Thank you
Yes I do and both of them are amazing people who are always down to hang out or just listen to my nonsense. I have 2 in Rhodes, and everyone close to me in Durban, I regard as family.❤
The same place we all come from if thats what you're asking.
Why don't you go up to him and ask him.
Yes I am, I'm not interested in any other guy besides him . I'm planning on marrying him one day so I think we are very serious hey ?
I have a Bollywood crush. Siddarth M.
To be honest I passed actually really well and I also like to be informal on social media. I feel its a platform to display and respond in a casual manner. Like no one likes a person who acts like they have a stick up their A$$, you know ?
I personally dont think so. I feel make up elevates anyones look, but I've been keeping it natural for the past few months. I just wear make up when I go out.
Having an amazing time with friends and family.
I learnt from my boyfriend ?
How old were you when you lost yours ??
Yes I am with the love of my life ?❤
Aww babe you're so cute ??
Rhodes University
Yes I have this teddy bear which I can't live without or go anywhere without knowing I'm going to come home to him ❤? its because it has sentimental value. I dont think any person can replace that??
Nah I dont trust like that
More into guys hey ?
Yeah the position has already been filled ? he's the special kind of special, the kind people only dream of getting? you know?
Someones number ? #prankcallingvibes
I don't do long distance, I'm way to paranoid for that life ??
I've only been attracted to one race. So i doubt it.
This is cute and funny ???
Take 2 ??
Aww thanks mahnnn?☄
The possibility depends on how bored i am to reply to a stranger, i take appearance into consideration, because attraction is a thing ??
It depends on my behaviour towards you ?
It depends on my behaviour towards you but at some point either my friends or i will tell you ???
It depends on who I'm with ?
If i have a crush on someone, I'll tell people. So nothing is a secret when it comes to a crush ??
Well you mean like or like like ??
Yes I do, with the guy friends or family ? it's kind of a hype with them. But am I good ? Hell no ??? You wanna play COD tho, I'm hype for that ?
Always open to making new friends ??
The loyal ones ? the ones that got my back when I have a mental break down at 3am. The ones that tolerate me when I'm not in a good state of mind ?? the ones that don't ask if I'm not okay but already get the "feels" or "vibes". Those who I know would do the same if the gun was pointed at me. ❤ Not going to lie there's only a few people tho ???
I didn't know there were more than one at the university I attend ?
I love you more hoebag ❤ December holidays homie ? it's going to be litttt??
This is so amazing ❤ thank you so much ? even though I know who this is from ??
Aww thanks ❤?? this is so shhhwwweet?
This is the sweetest thing ?❤ thank you so much? I really appreciate the compliment ?
Thank you so much ?? It means alot ?
More of a lollipop and ice cream kind of girl hey ???
Yeah I appreciate fine faces when I see em' ??
I feel like I'm more of a lung if you're naming organs, inhale you're pick up line and exhale the excuses ??? Okay I'm just kidding that was a well thought of line ? I'm sure it will work on a girl interested in underrated organs ??
Oooh a random cheesy pick up line ??
Where a normal person goes to get a degree,aka a university ?
Yes I would, because I base a person on who they are and their personality not their religion ?
And you're a cutie ??
It would take alot ? Issa have high expectations ??
Thanks you so much ? I'll answer your questions on Instagram just send me a dm ? Oh that's cool my brother also studies there, you should hit him up ?
Thank You so much ?? Well I'm not looking for a relationship anytime soon because you know YOLO but we can be friends if you're down ?
No. I'm not that influenced by GOT.
At a university
Thank you so much ?? it really just depends on my mood ?
Please can you tell me who you are??
Nah just really hooked on snap chat ?? I love all of me ? even my beak?
You should laugh regardless of expecting anything in return ? p.s start seeing a psychologist...?