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Mad cow disease
My mOm :). She'z the strongest woman i knw.
LOl, i'm afraid most lesotho citizens wud b highly offended by this q! No, it most certainly isnt the reason. We hav sooo many other intellectuals in Lesotho who speak wayyy beta thn me. Byds, i only went to SA wen i started highskul. Mind you, i cud already speak way beta thn most studnts in my clas (no offence). Tht shud answer ur q.
None, im afraid. Nd no, im nt a hard nut 2 crack, lol.
:o tht seriOusly shudnT b anyOne's bizwaX!!
Howevr u meant tht, im offended.
Church, travelling, buks, friends, boyfrnd, movies, games, pool(snooker), debating, soccer, toking, munching, drawing, singing nd a whole lot more...
Nd who sed i dnt party? Lol
Lol, i cn beT on my lifE tht u kNw me...else u wudnt hav included tht 2nd pArt of The qUestioN. So ima suggest thT u s*ck iT uP, aiTe?
Bcos i wna b single?
LAWL! U sound lyk em guyz hu thnk wit their ****s nd nt their brainZ, if uv gt any, tht is *no oFencE* haha! Ha e o hlola my dear, o e kgaole, autlwa? Lol
rnnd 4 the question, aa ngwaneso ke tla sitwa, iv dated enuf ****heads. :-). I suggest in its plac u grw sum Ballz, at least thn ul b abl 2 st hidin. ;-)
Lol, aite
U 4gt 2 mention the 'kickin' part...
sHe shud kicK uR faKe-as* behinD.
Oh, Him.
aSk Him whY.
wOrd...wnder hu cme up wt tht crapPy phrAse... NO. Love is a 4-lettrd word. Bt Ofcoz u r aware of tht.
I dont hate.
You are f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g me out.
EeeRh...2 mEet a tAl, strOng, and hAndsome priNce who can whisk me aWay, nd we cn live haPpily eva aFta...? LOl, i cnt thnk of anY fanTasies, duDe. I liv in reality. Wel, most of the tYm...
My mood....sup, does it send chillz dwn ur spine dear?
Tokin. Nd eating. Lyk 2 join? :-)
Shal i xcuse the pun? Lol...
That i've slept with my best friend's bf. Twas crazy! Lol
Im single
Pretty, confident, fun