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When u were 69years old...
Knowing that my family is safe sound and healthy... Being by LEVY's side... Singing... Making people smile!!!!
Yoh , OK...Lenna akitse mara this is really serious ey and sad ... coz it seems gore it started way long be4 th "confrontations"... anyway me is cool, i dnt have anger inside me so ake lwe... rather ask her neh darling...
whoa, lol u wana get into ma bedroom now? nah, kea gana... i dnt allow strangers in my bedroom sorry darlz
oh lol, i knw who u are... well i knw a lot of Bonganis, but ur obviously speakin of Bongani Masilela ryt? anyway lol its funny how u may seem to be one of those "many people" ... what do i say about my friendship with him? its a 5year friendship, a very good one, a true definition of friendship and thats about it, nothing more or less, he's much like my big brother and i dnt wnt anything ka ena. these suspicious people u speak of wudnt be suspicious if they knew what friendship is. oh and nd dnt worryman, we neva dated, we not dating, and we neva gana date. JUST FRIENDSHIP!!! OK? u good?
Yes I have.
are u one of them?
lmdao... wel how do i feel? at peace with my grandma next to me! so wat is for me if Madidi isnt? lol u flpn funny thou
ja nna ke shap... wena?
Haha, thtz so interesting.. Lol, no I actually have 5toes on each foot. But it would be nice to b a lil different ;-)
Lol I actually wish I had one but I Don't hey... Would b cool to have one :-)
Still in South Africa, lol... Oh well, pushing success, ring on ma finger :-), hubby on ma side, ma record label goin well, ma friends still around, life filled with love happiness and success basically!
Tag along 'running for safety' or 'goin down with the disaster' ??
@ 27.
Umm, I'd cry! :-(
A guy? As many tyms as he want!
But my man? Just once , nd I won't give him a chance to do it again!
Ohh, abwt 2centuries back!!!
What's that?
With all my heart I'd say YES.
I'll chck it l8a... Or hw bwt u summerise it for me !?!
Pls tel me who u R.
Hmm, ID yoslf 1st b4 I tel u
Hau? I'd tel u if I knew u! Lol ID yoslf
Sorry darling, too personal!
Am I? Yes, No.
Yes, very well!
Overcoming heartache!
1,Failing twice! 2,frogs! 3,death be4 all my achievements!
Yes I still do! Do u?
Yes, I'm catholic... @ All Saints!
21+ ...yea I aint 21 yet!
This ada guy on the soccer team, never really got his name #hides
Umm , wat duz tht mean? (0_o)
That I've had an abortion *sick*... Ai
Understanding, Smart, Pretty :-)
His name is Levy