Katleho Monyobo
What are you wearing right now?
Socks and other garments
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
I'm sorry...
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
No not really
I'm just askin :) now anser my question tudow
No,I wouldn't
Yes,if thabiso wasn't d8in any1 wuld u d8 her :) plzz be honest :) I'm sorri abwt all da questions tudow
Why would you ask me such a question Thuto?
Niggah apparently you were cheating on my homie !!!
Please say that to me on bbm,then maybe we can have a proper conversation about it :)
Would you ever consider dating lilitah again_? tudow
No,anything else u wanna know Thuto? #sarcasticFace
Are you dating lilita...?
Ur fellow clasmates said that u are a player:D
Lol okay
Wat made u turn in2 a player?
Who said I am a player?
Do you like Eminem ??
Cause like my dad has 4 tickets for his show next year, and I was just wondering if you'd want to come with ?! :)
<3 Miss Monyobo<3
I might consider it if you were to tell me who you are..
How many garls have u d8ed tudow
Out of all the garls u have dated which 1 wuld u take bak tudow
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
Jump off a train..naked..
Have you had that 1 girl which u dated and will never 4get about her Khotso1
Nice question Khotso,and yes I have... :)
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
A proper relationship with someone
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Yes I have...
Do you think a girl proposing you is right.. Or would uu prefer the other way round?
I would prefer it the other way around
What's your dream wedding ? :)) Cookie13
To tell the truth,I haven't thought that far but,I think it would be what my wife to be would want
Do you Ever have Dreams of becoming more than just a normal worker in the office, do u have Dreams of becoming world famous and not just the ordinary "John Smith"
Yeah,I do
Do you practice what you preach?
Yeah,I guess so
Your best dating advice is ................ ?
Be yourself
Guys are highly flirts when it comes to a girl they like . But if this girl seems to have taken your breath away, do you get all nervous and shy around her? Or Decide to use 'pick up lines' in a way of trying to impress her ? ...
I wouldn't do any of those,I would use conversation starters,not pick up lines,and from there have a proper conversation with her
We all know in a girls point of view -- 'short girl and tall guy =Really cute' , 'tall girl and short girl=really awkward'
Haha. So you'd prefer a short girl ?
I'm pretty short so I would kinda like to date a girl that's either my height or shorter
Love means 'respect, honesty, understanding' .. But people's definitions of 'love' differs , what's yours ?
To me love is the feeling of unexplainable emotional atraction to another human being
Say like now you feel 'off' with your girlfriend lately, you don't talk as much,and the only thing that you can think is you're "not into it anymore" . Would you just tell her why you being distant, or would you just dump her as* ?
The 1st option because I care bout other people's feelings
H a h a . U h m (:
Your girlfriend makes a first move (leans in to kiss you) but you feel like it's too soon . You go on and 'just do it' , or you pull away ? Hahahaha.
I pull away,if I believe its too soon,she'll have to respect that the same way I would if it were the other way around
H m m m (: Your ideal date would be ? Off to the movies , One of those things we'd normally see happen in white movies (Dinner At Some Expensive Place) hahaha. If you actually had the money, or a night together chilling looking at stars?
I would say off to the movies because then I wouldn't have to talk much,(I'm a quiet person)
H a h a . Sorry "Clas*" but you got what I meant.
A h. So like what would be your reaction if you were to see your girlfriend rock up and she's just rocking a 'hobo look' (Sweat pants,hoodie) & whatever not looking her complete most fashionable (: ?
Well if that were to happen,I wouldn't judge her because as you said,it won't be her most fashionable look
H a h a. I See ? Odd, but different is awesome yes
(: Do you feel there's a need for your girlfriend to have 'clas*' or just simply have a great sense of fashion ?
I would prefer it if she has clas* but nobody's perfect so ima go With a great fashion sense
Would you ever have more than one woman
No I wouldn't ever have more than one woman
\(-_-) I'd understand if you said her lips ? But "mouth" ? E h h' Anything to do with her breath ? Hahahahaha. We all don't want a boyfriend\girlfriend with bad breath, but why her mouth ?
Well I like listening to a girl talking to me,because I'm a quiet guy and you need the whole mouth to be able to talk,that's why I didn't say lips
(: Shweet. I'm sort of getting an idea on what kind of guy you actually are, yeah ? Hahaha. Favorite feature on a girl would be her .... ? (Complete That)
Mouth,and I'm guessing you gonna ask why
What do you really look for in a girl ?
Uhm,a sense of humour,consideration of others,beauty,kindness,if you ask me more,ou might get to know me better
If you said 'yes' to secretly liking someone else , then the way forward is for me to actually ask who ? '
I'm sorry but I do not reveal that kind of info to anonymous people so do you mind telling me who you are?
Haha .You one of those "commited guys" ?
Yeah I am
Do you secretly like someone else, other than your girlfriend ?
What would you do if I said yes?
H a h a. Hmm. Do you ever see yourself maybe cheating on someone ?
No,I do not because if I decide to date someone,that person will be the only girl who will have my attention.ask another question,your questions are interesting
Who you datin ??? And is she the best you evr had??
Thuto and yeah
Who's your crush include the name,school plz
Who are you dating and why?
I\'m not dating anyone because I can