kouthar williams
do you love me AF ? :) x.
#your boy bestfriend <3.
Ahhh ' I love you a lot :$ .
A person you never want to talk to again?
F.A .
Who was your best bf??
Ahh , don't worry :$
You have a leka cameltoe , and you have nice lips to s*ck my **** yeah buddie so when can I do you
You mental **** urrp , why not do yourself :) .
Sick MSP.
Would you ever skoMmel somebody ofF Lol :)
Nope never , you disgust meh !
Do you still like abdul baasit ?
No I don't , never did !
Did somebody already moer you
Lol , moer me ? Nope , but they can Dala :*
Did you ever get *****
Nope :)
Did u break ur tounge virgin yet and with who Tashreeq206
LOL , yes I did , Tashreeq you to young for this !
What are you doing saturday?
Cavs .
U still love him ?
Lol , no
Did you ever finger yourself? I like being naughty & want your ***** on my lips , on my **** , on my head aswell :')
Ps. Nice cameltoe. x
What kak is this ? Haha , you mentally ****ed =)) .
Ping me naaier ?
What did you do last night
I don't know , I can't remember
Who's Taahir abdullah ?
His my ex boyfriend :)
Who was F'A in your status ? , And are you still mad about him , just be honest:) .
Lol , 'Fawaaz Alexander' , nope nothing happened between us , we were just friends , nothing more .
Nope I'm not mad over him , never was .
Did you ever have *ex befor and if you didn't then with would you want to have *ex and at what age do you want to brake your viginity
Nope , I didn't yet have *ex :) & I'm still a virgin , I would not wanna break it at a early stage , I'll wait for marriage :) .
How long did your last call last?
Half an hour :| .
Who u going out with
A Boy.
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Pffft,LoL. Yes :ssshh
Would you marry ameer?
Lol , I don't know .
Hottest song right now according to you?
Blurred Lines:/
Who is your boyFriend ?
My boy friend ? No1 at the moment , but a few days ago , Was Ameer bedford , ii Still Love him thou'<3
What you doing with ameer at the food fair ?
Do you still like ishmaeel?
Yaaaahhhhhhh :D
Do you like Ishma-eel Safodien?
Lol :D , uhhmm , thats a hard question to answer. Coz he \"was\" myy OnLy <3 :)
You meeting Ya-eesh at the foor fair ?
Yes :) . Just a \"hello\" and a \"goodbye\"
Kouthar you are mooi and all you have to do is buy yourself a new bek
Lol , thank you:) x , lmao , ii think I should hahaa :) x
Would you meet Ameer at the food fair ?
Yes :)
Are you going to kiss with Taariq at the food fair ? Just be honest
Nope :) .
What are you gonna do with Taariq at the food fair ?
Why? Its not your business(Rolling Eyes)
Who do you like at the moment
Lol , nobody:)
Do you like school
To be honest , No :|
Are you meeting Taariq at the food fair
Yes :))
Are you sure his nothing else ? =D
Nope , I\'m sure:)
Who is T'S on your statues and why ?
Taariq Saban - and his only a friend:)
That wasn't me ameer bedford wh0 said that stuff neh kouthar AmeerB
I know :).
So how is your love life ?
I don\'t have :|
Will you please please s*ck my small Dic*"its Ameer Bedford here*I love you and you should love my small Dic*
oh wow , ur immature,small,vark **** , don\\\'t work on my poes , people like u should get a life , ur naai , go f*** your daddy , f***ing judgmental msnaai , much love x
Would you ever date "tawfeeq'***mingz"?
I don\'t know , maybe or not
Kouthar I'm a boy that you were once upon mad about
Oh , kay. I still don\'t know who u are , lol (Blonde moment) sorry.. Give me a hint ?
Do you mind guessing who I am?
Did we date before ? And for how long ?
Can You Perhaps Reply?
Yes .
Would you ever date me again?
Depends on who You are , ping me :)
Yes I'll take you back|not
Oh kay , depends on who u are
That wasn't me wh0 said ii Love you neh .. This is Ameer bedford here
Yeah , ii know. :)
Who would you take as a b.f Ameer or Taariq and I want a answer
I don\'t know, I don\'t also wanna answer that :|
Would you ever take Ish-maeel Saffodien back?
That\'s if he will take me back.
Do me a favour and s*ck my small Dic* its Ameer Bedford by the way
Do me a fav and hou jou bek , coz ii clearly don\\\'t think this is ameer bedford , whoever u are , u such a **** , and f*** Yourself x . :)
Ii Love You Kouthar WiLliams <3 :) Its Ameer Bedford :|
That\'s too cute :) . Same too you , as a friend thou
Would you actually take Taariq as a B.F
Uhh , I don\'t know.
Do you like Ameer ?
Wtf*** ? I don\'t know
Do you like boys to nai you?
Your naai , f***ing judgmental ****. I\\\'m still a virgin and I\\\'m happy , go f*** your daddy.
And if Ya-eesh asked you out ?? AmeerB
Ameer ? Please stop with this boy story .
How did they get to know me and asking you questions about me
I don\'t know :|
And what about Taariq ?? What if he ask's you out ??
Err , I\'m sorry , I don\'t know :)
If Ameer should ask you out , what would you say ?
I won\'t say no straight away , nor yes , I really don\'t know
What about Ameer Bedford ??
Uuhh , not my hole world is about boyys :) . Ameer bedford is cute and all , and ii love him , but not more then a friend :) .
N0w what about Taariq ? Do you love him ?? :)
Yes ii Love him :) .
Who will you choose over Ameer or Taariq ?
My word. I don\'t know.
Who do you like want as a bf n0w ??
I don\'t know , do me a huge fav and Ping meh ?:) !!
Do You Love Ameer Bedford ?? AmeerB
To be honest , I don\'t know :| x
Are you taking me
Geez : D . What a question.
Do You Still Like Ameer Bedford ??
None of Your business , My Life , Not Yours.
Wh0 was your best b0yfriend ever ??
ii actually have Two best Boyfriend\'s that ii had , ishma-eel Saffodien & Ameer Bedford :) .
Yes/No , are you taking him ??
I don\'t know :).
Are you taking Tauriq Saban ??
I don\'t know :).
How does he look
Nice :) .
are you a dala rot?
Are u jhaas **** ? :) whoever u are.
Do you know a boy name Taariq Saban
Yes :)
Do you know a boy name Taariq
Yes Yes , ii do :)
Your qooh me is bot why?
I don\'t know .
Why you break up with me? For not replying :) hahaha don't care anymore
Nevermind , its over , its done , have fun:)
We're overs ahkkaay? I'm gonna delete you off bbm
Why u wanna dlt me off bbm ? Can\'t we just be friends ? My goshh :|
Want more questions? Waste more airtime! On Me :|
Yes yes ii want more , Please ? :P
Your pooh me is very boring so how can I help baby?
Hahaa , too cute xx
Say my name And Marry Me :( ?
I\'m not saying your name :) , but I know who u are babe x
Getting tired of my questions?
No , neverr never :)
Jyy jou nervous beaver! Always chat to me when you bored hey? Shh I'm a spy on this thingy so shurup I gran you okay?marry me?
Omnaai , yes yes ii know exactly who u are :) . And yes ima marry you <3
Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and think "Damn I'm beautiful" forgive & forget? (You know me)
Hahaa\' Yes Yes ii know who u are
Did It hurt When You Fell From Jannah? Because You one of the most beutifullest angels I saw
Awwwwh <3
Naaai baby I don't belong in hell , I belong wif you brahh :) daLa at me kay.
Get aa life , You gham naai x
Can I muff you babbbbyy ? And pleasE invItE mE oN mAh MXit nErh JY :)x
Uhh , people like u ? Belong in hell . :) . Are u perhaps a jas **** ?! Gham naai :) \\\'
No Boy Friend - ii feel Free :) Koutharw
True shi*#
Do you like geting bay with boys?
I\\\'m not jas **** :) . And no I don\\\'t
You Like anybody At The Moment If Yes, His Name?
ii actually Like two boyys :P
Hey !! What's with the website ?
Uh, u can ask me anything , and I really don\'t know who u are
Who are you dating and why?
I\'m not dating anyone at th\' moment :)\'