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Kris Locke


Don't be a fool, ask me something cool!

34 Replies

Interested in anyone?

Maybe, maybe not. it depends on who your talking about.

KriddO replied 3910 days ago

What is the one thing you think people hate about you?

I would not have a clue.

KriddO replied 4054 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

One of my friends has an idiodic sense of humor.

KriddO replied 4057 days ago

How much is currently in your bank account?

Three figures mother*****!

KriddO replied 4059 days ago

A person you never want to talk to again?

My ex girlfriend.

KriddO replied 4061 days ago

A song that you've over played?

We Are The Champions by Queen. Like everytime my team wins on COD is just blast it away just to patronise the opposing team. In one day i would of played it over 40 times.

KriddO replied 4062 days ago

No what i mean is do you prefer to read the book before you watch the movie or vise-versa SoAd

Oh i see. Yes i do. It just adds some more depth into the movie if i have read the book before hand. Like Harry Potter and Charley And The Chocolate Factory. I have tried the other way but i lose interest that way too often.

KriddO replied 4067 days ago

If you were to put a major plot twist in your life right now what would it be? SoAd

The part where i stop letting people take avantage of my kindness and show them how much of a sociopath i really can be.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

D: that is a terrible childhood memory
I have never broken anything before.

Have you broken any other bones before? SoAd

No. I have had cracked ribs and a brused hamstring but nothing else has been broken.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

What happened in your past relationship(s) to cause you heartache? (Don't have to answer) SoAd

Just been lied to and used for money and *ex.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

Do you like the taste of cake mixture? SoAd

Not really, i like cookie dough more. I can eat that stuff raw.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

Where in the world would you like to go most? SoAd

Tied up between America and Britain. I guess i would choose the us because im a big NFL and NBA fan and britain doesnt really have any good sports

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

What was the last movie you saw ? SoAd

The most recent movie was Skyline. Pretty good idea for a movie about an alian invasion in america but its too predictable and the acting is close to half-assed.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

Clearest childhood memory? SoAd

Falling off a 2 story pub balcony when i was 7ish and breaking both of my legs from the knee down and being in a wheel chair for 6 months whilst having a dozen operations.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago

If you were offered the power to see other peoples futures would you take it? SoAd

No i would not. Considering how disgusting society is these days, the last thing i would like is to see peoples' lives turn to ruin over drugs, grog and greed.

KriddO replied 4068 days ago 1