I love you x ♥
Love you too ? x
I love yoou x ♥
I love yoou too :) x ?
Why u so se*c love you :) ♥
Sweet :) ? x
Name, skwl, grade!!!
Just, Selborne, grade umm 10
What's the best part of a mans body?
Definitely his abs :D x but a decent smile too (y)
What do you like in a guy?
A good personality, sense of humour, manners, fun- loving and to a certain extent looks :) * x
Tell us who it is Kristen!!
Sorrrrrrry :)* x
Who was the best guy you had a thing with but ddnt turn out ? Grade 7-begining of 8 vibes ;)
Dylan Hulley :) x
Who u like?
Can't say sorry :) * x
What's your definition of being together????!!!!!
You aren't together unless you're dating :) * otherwise you're just into each other.
R u 2getha with some1?
No I just like some1 :) * x
Whose your best bud?*
Tayla Peinke :) x
I'm digging that never endin laugh of urs!! Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhhahahahhahahhhahahahahhahaha.
I don't laugh like that! :P x
Okes be as*uming things here Nugget :/ ;)x Taylz_Peinke
Its too funny :D considering I wasn't at the beach :o :/ xx
Umm thank you? :) x when? :/
If you could of mended any friendship who would it of been? :)
Probably my friendship with Katelyn Taylor. :) x
You may know who this is :D I saw u on Fri with Tayla Penkie. Nd I just wanted to say u luk amazing without braces and with brunette hair!!!!
Thank you! :) * x & don't know who you are :), plzz bbm me? x
How far hav u been wif a guy??
Well one vaccation :) we travelled to Kenton on Sea. x
What chick du u hat the mst?
I think you mean 'hate'. :) I don't hate her.. I'm just not terribly excited about her exsistence :)** I'm sorry but I can't expose that.
Someones jealous of someone..
Haha. ? x
U not an oracle, just answer simply and don't try to make everything seem like u a perfect person, accept it , we all have faults.
Of course yes. I don't even believe in perfection (never said I was). And we all have our faults.. Me having more than others :) * x
Yes Kristmas why r u so beautiful?
I know who this is :) x
Why is my cuzzi so beautiful..?:)♥x Taylz_Peinke
Love you Poef :) xx
If you could take back one thing what would it be ?
I don't believe in that because you learn by mistakes but definitely fighting with someone close to my heart.**
Worst experience with a guy?
He told me he liked me and then dated a close friend of mine.
Your eyes light up the world!!!!!!!!
Cheezi but tx :) :/
Do you have a bf
Yes his name is Lucky Strike. :)* x
Who do u like? :D
I don't know :) *
That jono guy is pretty kiff hey? :D and throws insane parties/get togethers :D
Definitely! One of the coolest guys I know! :D x
You so se*c
Thank you :) x
You have issues.
Yes it is this extremely dangerous illness called being a teenage girl. :)
Are you single?
Umm yes I am.
If you could b* slap any1 who would it be?
I don't believe in violence :) ?
You have have quite the mouth full of comebacks ey:P
Rather that then lies :P x
When r u gna grow?!!!
As soon as high heels become unfashionable. :) x
#MatKriel is your God right?;)
Haha nooo he wishes :/ * x
Don't u think Luke is just the coolest guy eva???
haha definitely! X
Well I think your beautiful and should forget about this guy.
Well thanks for the compliment.
You are too special!! X
Thank you** :) x
Did justin ruin your friendship with that chik katelyn?
No she did that all on her own.**
I think u know x
Do you mind putting your name?**
I love you x
Feeling the love buddy, but I don't know who you are.
U can do better.
So could your hairdresser.
I love you x
Who is this?
Marry me?
Ring please? :) x
Are u ova justin banks
No but he's over me :) x
Are you ova nd wuld u dat that justin banks guy
No I'm not over Justin Banks :) x
You do know you take an hour in the shower.
Yes I'm half dolphin :) x
Are you dating Justin Banks?
Do u prefer being blonde or brunette?
Definitely Brunette :) x
Would you ever date luke hickman?
Blossoms don't date Buttercups - its not how the Powerpuffs roll :) x
Why are you such a retard?:D♥ x Athalie_vdB
I was dropped, thrown out a window and hit by a Woolworths truck as a baby :) xx
Who's your best friend?
I have lots :) x
I love your personality!
Thanks :) x
What's the Horsepower in the GTR??
I didn't know horses had anything to do with the power in the GTR :G
I beg to differ with your cold water statement, since you generally only make cold water for yourself! Feed your people man! :(
I think its good to let people use the arms and legs they were gifted with and get off their as*es ;) DIY :) x
What's your natural hair colour?
Dark brown :) x
Do you like luke hickman?
Too much :) x
Would you ever date me? I think you really beautiful!!! X
Umm I don't know you so can't answer that :) x
Why can't you cook like your mom? Hmmmm \(-___-)/
Unfortunately... I wasn't blessed with that ability :/ but I make awesome cold water! :D