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Samb*m!!! Aww thank u for the Q thingy ?y angelface *Huggyy* Uu are thee besteSt bestie I\'ve ever had!! Always will be! Ur likee Miii sussie :P. Okayyloveubye :P Xxx
°? still ??v? ??? if ??? make ?? coffee for a month hahaha
I'm not really sure at the moment. °? haven't been focusing on that to be quiet honest. Alots happened this pas*ed month. Just not been the right time.°? don't think it will be. Not for a while. Till °? get my priorities straight. °? dunno.
Thank ??? so much ?? Keegzykunz. Your too sweet:) °? ??v? u too buu ! Stay amazing my brother bear ???
My best boyfriend up to now? So far? Wow uhm honestly... I'd rather not say publically if ??? really wanna know ping ?? on bbm..
Any lawnmower your driving my steffietjie !!!?? waitng for that ride :P °? miss your beesh as* xoxo
Nope I am not. I am single.
Heyoooooo my Bestie Buu ! Hahahaha no u cheated ! Most exerice I've had in weeks :P fank uu My cupcake! U da Bestest bestie Alive tooo!! Love Uw Chop!! (:
????. ????.,, uhmmmm that's a tough question. I'm not actually sure at the moment, just got out of a realtionship that was pretty important to me ?n? I'm finding it hard to think of being in any other one right now.
I tried to make my relationship someone esles idea of perfect. I fought with him, for no real reason ?n? lied about it.. Its something I'm not proud of. If I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat *
Haha yes Rubber Ducks Turn me on, theyre just so Squishy ?n? make that se*y Squeeky Noise! So se*y! Damn se*y, gets to me everytime... No, I don't like Evil (: haahaaa!
I'd have to say Dc ?? My Teddy Bear :P haha!*
Hey, ruined a relationship? With? ?e and someone? Or got between two people?
Heya... Uhm no one I can't stand. But there are a few I don't like and I'm guessing the feelings mutual lols and ahh lots of reasons hey* I'm Positive my boyfriend can fight his own battles. Am I upset yes, like any other girl I was worried he was badly hurt* I'm just glad he wasn't. PING! ??h on bbm if you'd like to talk further ???
Lol you have Madness for my bestie?! :) lols Mmmm I think ill be the judge of that :D thanks for the enthusiasm thou :P but I honestly have no idea who you are :) xx
Hellow ??h Brother bear ! Ncawwww thank u for the nunu Qoohme ! I love u Gang ! Lols we won't fight Keegz don't wowi* you haven't done anything wrong!* Family don't stay Mad at eachother anyway ??h bro! Love u gang! Stay awesome! Fam forevz and a day ???
Yes I love Bananananananana's my banananana bestie forevezz :P hehe xxx
Ncawww thanks Munchkin La view too bro ???
One of those girls?! Uhrm sorry that's kinda personal and no offence not to be rude but also none of your business.
Starts with the letter A-Z lol xx
Sorry who's this? I don't think I'm difficult and I'm seriously sorry if I've ever been mean to you. If I was it was probably unintentional xx
Well there's this really awesome guy I think would match perfectly for Sam but you'd have to ask ??h on bbm to find out* xx
Lol aren't thongs and. G strings the same thing? And I wear niether lol
Never Regret something that once made you smile. :) I'm not going to bad mouth her cause I wouldn't want someone to say stuff about me. Thank you I really am flattered xx
Haha! Okay then
Noo :P hehe your not getting out of your love life sitch via Meh! Love u to bits stefetjie but u needa figure out which Crush you prefer more all on your own! Hugs mwah xoxo
What's the one Rumour? A Rumour Is a Rumour. New Choice English Defintion of Rumour :hearsay gossip common talk not based on definite knowledge an unconfirmed ststory pg 286* there are many Rumours. None of them are true.
Wow Uhm that's a pretty Sensitive and quiet a Personal topic* but I guess I loved them all in a way none of them were the same. Xx
Lol Honestly I've never thought about it before it doesn't really Phase me. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. Plus its usually the personality that counts, no person wants a shallow and a self Absorbed boyfriend or girlfriend xx
Lol Uhm yes :P :)
Look, she's really nice and a very Pretty girl don't get me wrong. But its happened in more then one case and I've said the same thing to him as I did to you I'm sorryI just hate feeling like I'm her rebound so no, Unfortunately I won't. I apologise if I hurt your feelings Xx
If this persons really your friend No matter what you've done they'll find a way to forgive you just give this person some time and space. Best of luck xx
Hey :) well it would help if I knew who you are? Lols xx