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Kristie Nguy


Ask me anything you like anonymously

26 Replies

LOVE YOU XX Kaitlynnnn

AWW LUV U BBY. thought this would've ended by now. Lol but ur the amazing one here

Kristie_nguy replied 3995 days ago

What happens when we die?

ummm ya either get burned or buried. It's really fun

Kristie_nguy replied 4008 days ago

kristie hasn't done anything wrong. whoevers doing this ur seriously obsessed and obviously have nothing better to do with ur life. please leave her alone. regards, EVERYONE

Thank you, EVERYONE. I would also like to comment that EVERYONE is a very strange name. Hahahahaha :D

Kristie_nguy replied 4013 days ago

hay gurllllllll :D <3 don't worry about these other *****'s they r just jelly carlacoelho2424

HAYYYYYY ur right about the *****es part ;)

Kristie_nguy replied 4024 days ago

hey can all you ****ers back off kristie? thanks :) carlacoelho2424

HAHAHAHA luv u Chicken <3

Kristie_nguy replied 4024 days ago

stop saying sound ****ing stupid

The only person who sounds ****ing stupid is you. :) BTW, you just offended like pretty much every Aussie. OMG LOL

Kristie_nguy replied 4024 days ago

you think ur so cool with ur stupid pointless comebacks, just ****ing take advice you ***** and stop whining

OMG UR SO FUNNY :D If my comebacks are so pointless, why do u sound so mad? If u don't like my comebacks so ****ing writing **** all over my qoohme u ***** :) And i'm not the one that's whining, u are :D

Kristie_nguy replied 4024 days ago

penny is using kristies qoohme ;)

penny answered pennys question yay this is fun

Kristie_nguy replied 4025 days ago

why would you call the most amazing kid ever a hoe? how rude can you get

Did u know it's rude to call people rude? and nobody thinks she's amazing, only she does herself and i know that she is the one who wrote this :)

Kristie_nguy replied 4025 days ago

truth is, you think you are so much better than everyone else, and it's wrong, because everyone is equal, stop being a smartass little *****, and get ur friends to hide behind you, stop being so innocent and sweet, you think you have no flaws well guess again.

sry i dont answer straight away, i was getting on with my life. looks like u have nothing better to do with yours m8. and if you're saying that everyone is equal, does that mean that everyone is equal to you? Do you mean that everyone is the same? Same as you? God, that would be a natural disaster. "Get my friends to hide behind me" Don't you mean when you're hiding behind the internet?

Kristie_nguy replied 4025 days ago



Kristie_nguy replied 4039 days ago

don't listen to any of that **** kristie

Luv u Penny <3 :)

Kristie_nguy replied 4039 days ago

at least your getting heaps of views...

Yep. Thx for viewing it so much. Must be cuz u like my song so much.

Kristie_nguy replied 4041 days ago

what's wrong with your songs? you can't even understand what your saying... :/

Yea i understand what i'm saying. And no there's nothing wrong with my songs. There's just something wrong with you.

Kristie_nguy replied 4041 days ago

it's so obvious who you are singing about and just to let you know pretty much the whole class including me is with her because she is amazing. picked on the wrong kid

Okay who is it?

Kristie_nguy replied 4041 days ago