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I liked this one guy but yea !! Now I don't like anyone at the moment !! : )
Being with my Bestie*!! <3
Want jys 'n player
I've a lot *
Huh ???
Yes i will*!
Hey sys rrg 'n bja awesome persoon met 'n goeie hart sy sali juw seer maak ni en sy rrg 'n wonderlike vriendin en sy sal juw lief he maaki saak wat ni so lank j ha neti seer maak ni dan j *̩n groot k*k!!!* ma sys rrg 'n stunning girl!!*
Sometimes the person you would take a bullet for *̩t the one behind the trigger!! So don't know.....
HeHe LolZzz tnx hehehe*
*̩ want only 2!*
*Ping me over bbm then °̩'ll tell u!!*:p
*HeHeHe awh luvies u lost mii bestie!!* Next weekend its our bestie Time ne!!* and not gonna take no for a answer!!* <3!!* :p
Well °̩ have 2!*
Umm don't know the songs name!!!*
*Yes °̩ do a lot!!*
*To stay in my hart and don't let harm come to me my family or friends!!*
*Ummm I don't know. . !!*
My ex I hate him. . . !!!
*Ummm I have a lot!!*
*Me and rachel was not really that close we where good friends but then me and amy became close friends don't know y but we just got close. . !!*(:
*Nee ons sou nogsteeds vriende gewees het. . !!*
*No neva me and amy got close and I'm not using her she is the only friend that's there for me when I need some one and I would never use her. . !!!* and who is this if I may ask. . . ?
*Umm I don't have a best one but my beste time was with friends at a holiday place. . . !!*#
*A lot of products...!!*
*Well if we both really like each other then I date my ex again!!!*(:
*Shes a awesome friend but we got in a fight and we not talking so I ges we not friends anymore...!!* :(
*Some 1 ping me over bbm then I'll tell* (:
*We watching movie went for ice cream and talk the whole day long was really fun!!!*
*HeHe awh danki man!*:p
*Ja nogal hkm?*
Niemand nou ni
Oky kwl..
*Awh tnx hey and luvies u 2 sis!!*:p ♡
*Who are u??*
*HeHe oky..!!*:p
*HeHe tnx who ever you are..!!*♡ :D
35min hehe..!!*:D
*Awh tnx...!!*:p :D...*
*HeHe StormyQii!!*:p
Umm don't know because I like me just the way I am...!!*:)
*HeHe ping my oor bbm dan sal eke ju als se..!!* (*Ma shh HeHe..!!*:p)
*Nee bja mense se hys 'n player en ek muti rrg met hom cht of iets ni....!!*
*Heya eks op die oomlik Single jong en june..??*
*HeHe heya en ja eke doen nogal!!*:)
*Ja ek is en ek eks rrg bja hartseer daar oor want ek het rrg bja van my ou hou en toe een ogend toe se hy net dis verby eke het iemand beter gekry.....!!*:'(
*Hey dis rrg niks muni warie ni ek sal fine wees ma danki dat j om gee....!!*
*Yes kinda....!!!*:p
*That I really love u and I want to be with u!!!!*
Hey sory stuur gou ju pin weer!!!*
MpQi* (»Hug«) Ping my asb oor bbm!!*
*Awh sweet as ek jy was sal ek vir hom se hoe ek oor hom voel en as hy die selle voel dan sal ek vir hom vra wil jy ons meskien 'n kaans gee en dan kyk jy wat gebeur hoop dit sal werk..!!*
*HaHa tnx*
*Ping my oor bbm dan se ek ju..!!!*:p
*The fact that no one is there for me when I need them but I must always be there for them...!!* :|
*Awh jys rrg 'n goeie vriendin en bja danQii vir ju vrienskap dit het 'n bja na plekkie in my harQii..!!*
*Bja danQi jyt so pas my aandQi gemaak en liefies ju bja vriendin...!!*(*»HUG«*)
*Every thing that I'm sceard to do..!!*
*Huh I don't understand and I have super awesome friends...!!!!*
*Awh bja danQ ping my asb oor bbm*!!*
*Jip dit was sooooo epic behalwe dat ek seer gekry het..!!*
*Sy persoonlikheid!!*
*Stop asking me that!!!*
*Hoe are you???*
*What do you mean?*
*My geheimpie ping my oor bbm dan se ek jw..!!*:p
*Ja hy is en asb hou op vra vra oor my ou!!!*
*Awh danQi dez en luvies jw bja en j so pas my aanQii gemaak..!!* Mwa* xoxoxox*
*Ummm don't really now..!!* Sorry*
*Wat se ou?*
*HeHe oky.... Tnx!*
*Ek sal 'n ou date wat 'n goeie persoonlikheid het hy mut hom self wees en lief wees vir my!!!*♡
*Awh jy mut my se wane j ni besig is ni dan kan ons ietsie reel dan kom ons by mekaar...!!* :)
*Ek het net een ou en hkm wil j sien hoe lyk hy...??* :|
*Awh jys soooo sweet dez en mis jw ook soos vlippin bja!!* :( *Wens ons kan mekaar weer eendag sien maar daai dagie sal kom muni warie ni en luvies ju super bja..!!* (*Hug*)
*Hehe..!!* *Ping my oor bbm dan se eke jw..!!* :s
*Yes I have..!!* :p
*I did study..!!*(*Not*)
*Weet nog ni!!*
*Van 'n bja oulike ouki ping my oor bbm dan se eke jw..!!* :p