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2.8k Replies

what is your favourite season?

I would say Autumn, but in melbourne, seasons are more of a recommendation than anything else.

Kuroii replied 3255 days ago

sorry in advance if it takes me a long time to send questions... as you answer more questions it becomes harder to think of new unique questions :(

You can stop at any time and i won't hold it against you :)

Kuroii replied 3255 days ago

how much of your identity, do you think, is shaped by the people you're around?

For me i think quite a large part of my personality is affected by the people around me, but my identity probably not as much.

Kuroii replied 3257 days ago

have you been doing much self-study outside of classes?

not at all, because i'm too lazy but i have all this stuff due soon so i'll need to D:

Kuroii replied 3257 days ago

it's been a few months since speech night and listening to Mr. Burnside's speech. do you still wonder whether you'll regret choosing commerce over science for the rest of your life?

Maybe, but i think i've decided to commit to commerce and see where it'll take me.

Kuroii replied 3263 days ago

what flavours of candy do you like the most? do you mind sweet and sour candy?

Grape and Watermelon are probably my favourite, followed by apple and then banana

Kuroii replied 3263 days ago

What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?

At camp i think people thought that something was happening between me and Hannah and that was rather amusing XD

Kuroii replied 3263 days ago

are you enjoying your course as a whole?

ehh there are more enjoyable things i could be doing but it's not the worst thing in the world... yet.

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

how do you like to spend your free time at uni?

sleeping or eating, otherwise i'm in a class, about to be in a class or in a co-curricular activity.

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

you're better at chem than physics, but which one do you like more?

I like them both equally tbh

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

which one do you prefer more: candy or chocolate?

Candy, to be more specific gummy candy like gummy bears, snakes and the like. I've been craving it since the start of camp like i need to stop by sugar station at some point >.>

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

how was taekwondo camp?

everything is sore and i've realised i actually s*ck at taekwondo. In addition, i'm now more wary of the dangers of alcohol. Also as a side note, there are some pretty cute guys in my club.

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

how are you finding the jump from spesh to AM and from high school to uni?

AM is so hard omg i don't really get the topic we're doing atm. but like i don't think high school is that different from uni once you get past the weird schedule

Kuroii replied 3264 days ago

What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?

The Kick i think it was called. They showed it at taekwondo camp. There were many many sugoi kicks.

Kuroii replied 3265 days ago

how many contact hours do you have per week?

14 except on weeks where i have a PBL workshop.

Kuroii replied 3265 days ago