Your a soft cøck drinking UDL's, a lad like u should be on the hard **** m8
Fuk up I do wat I want
I sort of like you. If I inbox you do you think we would have a chance? :/
inbox me
this is gay stop
No. You're gay
Can you lick my b*m hole please
when and where baby?
you're nicee, cool and you'd be cute with Ryan ;)
Ur a huge f***** jleeechy
thanks jleeechy :'(
you seem really nicee and you've got a great boyf
Do you like anybody right now?
Why are you angry in your profile picture
How was school?
Yesterday was ok
Thought on lachie Drummond:)
his sister is cooler ;)
mmmmm do you like ali?
As a friend
Ali potter does not like Kurt.
Hello, how is your day going?
Hi, good thanks yours?
hottest year 9 girls at mec?
Does Ali like you? Hahahahahah
I don\'t know, apparently
so i tell you and all you do is a dot. do you not know how awkward this is
Fine!!! It's Ali!!!! Far out!
I really like you :)
I like you too
i want to sleep with you and take cute selfies. :( and if you dont ill lock you in my dungon and rape you. lots of love xx
i've liked you for so long and you don't even realise me at school.
Maybe if you say something to me..
Well maybe they don't want to ask you and you to ask them because girls don't ask guys.
Well I don\'t even know who you are so if you never say you are never gonna get asked out
Like me, and there's about 2 other girls who said they did on this.
Well they should tell me who they are
Well why do you complain you haven't got a girlfriend when you have plenty to ask from? And heaps of girls like you?
Like who
Ask someone out. I dare you. :)
Mmmm nahh
be my boyfriend.
I probably would
I love u Kurt ;)
I love you too
mate your a gun at footy and basketball. dont listen to them shi* heads
Hahaaa I not really but thanks anyway
Ya shi* at footy and basketball
Thanks for that
Do you have a double bed?
who is the nicest girl you no
You are shi* at footy
Sleep with me???
Yeah I probably would
What is your fav tv show?
Don\'t really have one
Your the nicest guy to ever come across me! <3
Hahaaa thanks
i would tell you but i just cant. i need you to tell me. or else it would make things so awkward and ruine our friendship. Its so hard. inbox me if you can guess and ill tell you.
Ahh I wish I knew who you were..
i actually really like you and you have no idea. you wouldnt even guess it and im being serious!
Awhhh who is this..? :(
Best girls in year 9 at mec
Makayli, Dakota, Caitlin, Kaitlyn
Best 3 people who don't go to mec :)
Awh I don\'t know.. I don\'t like these kinds of questions
Your really cute!! XX
Your hair is weird :)
Haha thanks I guess
You and Maddy are so alike both arse holes and stuck up no wonder you guys liked each other for so long LOL
Thanks for that, changed my life
Can u please come up and say hello to me tomorrow
I don\'t even know who you are
Omg you're lyk so hot :) ily
Who's ya status about? :-)
You like boys lol
Does ya mum count
can lick your b*mhole out? ;)
Hahaaaa wtf
I think about you so much hahaha
Why are your teeth like white in one spot and yellow in another ..
Something to do with when I was younger
3 people at MEC you would date?
I find it funny how how much I always think about you. Haha
Hahahaa woww.. who is this?
Shut up your not funny
Your eyes are like retarded why don't you wear your glas*es anymore? Hahah
You're so hot, hahah
Hahahaa thanks
Who is your girl bestfriend?
You make all of the girls fall for you and then you just throw it back in there face
Hahaa whateverr
How/why so good at supercoach
your bangin'
Hahaha thanks
you're actually so attractive.
i'd go out with you in a heartbeat, but i'm ugly so yolo.
Who is this?
You love yourself but who doesn't!
People these days are so judgmental dont listen to them Kurt!
Thankss whoever this is
it's funny how you say you want a girlfriend yet you've turned so many gorgeous, nice girls down.
Like who
What do you think of Brooke?
she\'s nicee and that
I would date you but you wouldn't date me.
Who is this?
You have so much hate
I know
Everybody hates you.
I know
Heaps of girls would be your girlfriend but your just to stuck up and picky ha.
What do you think if Bella tatchell
I already answered this
What do you think of Maddy
This qooh me thing has just shown me how you are towards people
For most of the answers I\'m just joking.. wow some people are wankers
You should be nicer to people :)
You have lost so many friends
Like who
You've got such a bad attitude
Why\'s that
on a scale of Steve Buscemi to Channign Tatum, how hot do you think you are?
Hahahahahaaa wtf
What are your opinions on jesse dalton?
Don\'t know
Your hawt! ;)
Thanks, you probably are too
What do you think of makayli
she\'s amazingg
Hottest girls in year 9 at mec
Can I s*ck your Dic*?
yeah probs
Did you used to like Bella
What do you think of Bella?
I don\'t know.. she\'s nice
Do you like Annabelle? :)
As a friendd
You going to school tomorrow
Your response to people are bloody brilliant, love them you cheeky thinggg
Hahahaaa, thanks