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Ask me anything you like just keep it as nice as possible??

12 Replies

Hey when are you skating again missss you;D wanna c you again
I donno hay I want to but its exams ill probably go in the holidaus;D

Probably after exams hope♥♡

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

Well , I know u don't realy care , but I find u so cute and se*y , but I actully , think I love u , u made my life once time and time again ♥ ♡

Hehe I do Care a lot for you and you're lyk a Camera becauz everytime I look @ you,you make me smile ♥♡

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

I think I know who you like ;) u talk to him a lot on bbm and he always says sweet dreams evrynight! :*

Ahhhhhh thanks I've got a idea of who you are ;;d x0x0

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

Everyone who knows Kirst is a lucky bastard cuz she's simply amazing :* Love you se*y

Ahhhhh thanks x0x0 plz ping me so I can thank you in perosn ♥♡

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

I wish i could be with such a gorgeous girl like you

I wish I could be with a cute guy lyk you x0x0 pong me in person so I can thank you

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

Hey hey ;) ok :g ur awesome :g no lies thanks for being and awesome bish of mine ;;) :* love yew
M ♥

Ahhhhh thanks so much!!! *plz ping me so I can thank you in person* /mwahmwah

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

What would you do if you farted during a class test?

I would just pretend it didn't happen *embarrased* And ill just blame it on someone else *hehe*

Kwalker replied 3971 days ago

Who are you thinking about as you answer this?

My best friend Bronwyn who moves to New Zeland :-(

Kwalker replied 3977 days ago

Hey Kirsty, why u so awesome??? :P why couldn't you get the chocolate before some1 else got it :D!!?!?!!?

Who's the hell are you?!? :D ;D

Kwalker replied 3977 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?

His looks,must be sport and must have a good personality ♍♥

Kwalker replied 3978 days ago

How are you Kirst haven't seen you in ages:-(

I know ryt :-( we have to movies or something when you come back from New Zealand:-(♥♍♋♬

Kwalker replied 3978 days ago

Hey do you wanna go to movies sometime:-)*

Ummm who are you and why♥?

Kwalker replied 3978 days ago