Nigga,why do you think you're the sht?
You're sht because you don't have the balls to put your name ?
Aren't you like 7 - why you always putting up the middle finger brah.
I'm 7 inches into your btch.
Relationship status?
DM me
Thoughts on Kanye West???
some legit fashion , bUt that nigga is crazy at the moment:(
I really want to rebuild our friendship.
dM mEh?
Which 3 grade 8s would you pull ? ?
- guess who ?
omf Sarah
uhm I'd pull Tarn, Joss and Janey
Still like Qhama?
nAh fAm
Nah , not anymore??
saseme R, tarn or lukho???
uh, idk most of them are pRetty any way?
Why do you like sht?
i rEally dOnt kNow?
What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?
I cAnnot sAy iT??
Why you so desperate bruh Sarah doesn't want you
I don't want her??
calm doWn☝?️
Do you really have a girlfriend or is this just a trick to get Sarah back or for her to feel sorry for you? peach__
Sarah is my past ☝?️
and yah I kinda have one??
Why you so jealous of Sarah and Sine
I've got my own girl
No need to be jealous ??
I back them in fact☝?️
What have you never truly gotten over?
tHis one girl that I kissed , who caused sht in my life?
Why are you not a millionaire?
You had $ex with Kutlo!!!
Top five hottest black grade 8's?
No Order Here??
Ses R
the rest is ?
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
New 750 Yeezys
Top 5 hottest girls in your grade?
No order
Ses R or Lukho or Jossy
Would you date radede?
Why were you wanking in your bed and everyone could see you in wood house!!!!!
that's a lie!?
Why do you force school pants bruv????
Mihlali , you try your hardest to be like me???????
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Go fck yo btch.
Kutlo Baruti?
what about her?
Do you and kutlo have a thing ? ?
who knows?
Mac game weak chap?
Neo shut up?
Who is your favorite person and why?
What's going on between you and Radhika?
that's something for me to know and you to find out☘
Do u have a girlfriend?
DM me?
Sarah Albers ?
what about her??
And do ya'll do crazy things
ya we get fcked up
Is asa one of your closes cousin's
ya I guess
Why you going to SAC?
who told you this , nah I'm not going no more , your Gr 8s are no bants ?
What's your favorite color ?
You so gay.
not surprised that you a btch , no wonder you hid your name
Do you smaak Libo?
that's for me to know and her to find out
Why do you act so huge but you tiny ?
Tash stop?
Are you coming to St. Andrews college?
yah I might
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Who would you take a bullet for ?
my family