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Ask me anything you like anonymously

21 Replies

What made you happy today? 100+

It's not a what. It's a who . And Kyra Judd made me soooooo happy today❤️?.

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2539 days ago 1

He meant the world to you , and you telling me you're just friends ? Come on .

No reply ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago 1

Do you and juanlee still talk ?

At school ?
On the phone ?
Every now and then

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago 1

He broke you , and saw for my own eyes . Yet you still love him .

Well I don't think one can ever stop loving someone , because then it wasn't actually true love . Yes he broke me , but he made me feel special . He made me feel happy . He made me feel complete . He treated me like a kween . He called me his kween. And I'll never hate on him . Hes just that one person you'll never ever stop loving no matter how hard they hurt you ?.

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago 1

Crush ?

Negative ?

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

Boyfriend ?

Negative ?

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

You soo pretty ?

You Soo cuuuute ?

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

I wanna send you a message but I'm scared you blue tick me !

Message me , you never know . Maybe I've been waiting for a message from you ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

Will you be my girlfriend .

Already gotta boyfriend , sorry ?. Id love to be friends tho .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

You're beautiful .

And you're so sweet ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

You are so amazing. , You so pretty and you have this wonderful personally . You always find a way to cheer people up and always manages to put a smile on my face . Yo vhet the most adorable ever . What did I do to deserve someone like you.

Aun , i looooooove you anon?. thank you Soo much ❤️

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

You deserve better than that juanlee bruh. , He wasn't worth your time anyway . He's a jerk and should actually be punished. I swear if I could give him a hiding I would like you can flirt with everything single girl you see .

I totally get you , but don't you think that you should pm me instead because apart from you saying how you feel you actually being rude towards juanlee on social media which is not cool , but I've been told alot lately that I deserve better en wat , wat but then again juanlee made me really happy . He made me feel complete and it just hurts me to hear people bad mouth him and talk bad about him because his not actually that bad . And just to make it clear guys can have friends that are girls ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

Do you like Tanner .

As friends ?
Oh then yes ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago

Why do you still defend juanlee ?

Because we friends and I feel like he'd defend me too ? . Plus I really don't like it when someone bad mouth another because that's just cruel and harsh , like you wouldn't like it if someone else bad mouthed you . But Juanlee no special to any other frnd of mine. I defend all my friend even if that means I get my self in to trouble ? . It's just the person I am .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago 1

You and Tanner would be so cute together .

Thank you , but no thank you . Tanner and I are just friends . Nothing more ? .

Kweeeenkeasha replied 2543 days ago 1