cheronne nourse
What made you happy today? 100+
my cousins ?❤
Who has done the nices thing for you so far this year
more than one person actually , so idk
Kak reg ????
Come I take you away from your berk?❤❤❤❤?
and he's not my 'berk' he's my boyfriend , actually my husband ❤
do us both a favour and fck off
Would you date Sloane
i don't see him in that way , so nah ?
How can you trust kyle
i just do
Your bf is really lucky ?????❤
aye , sweet ?
Ur bf is gonna leave you for someone else just see
eezit , okay ?
Is that your boyfriend on your recent ?
guess ?
Nicolas and Damian
i only know one of them personally ?
Do you know that there are 2 "Gaza's "
ok ?
what are their real names then ?
Send gaza number skyler
dm me then i'll give it ?
You and kyle back together again ???
Just give GAZA number please
dm me for it then ?
im not just going to give it out for the public to see
What makes you happy?
people that i love tbh
In a relationship?
happily ❤
In a relationship?
yes i am
Can your please send me GAZA'S number? His p hot ?
if you think so , then dm him for his number
lol ?
You have an amazing body ??????❤❤❤
working on it ?❤
Do you know a boy named sloane in your school
yebo , i do ?
You with a specific guy?
idk , am i ?
You and kaapstad?
you mean devan ? ?
i know more than one jordan bud , please be specific
Omw you friends with The GAZA ?
Do you know Who is GAZA
i call him nicolas ?✨
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
that they should stop taking me forra pop
Who is the most famous person you have met?
john legend⚡
So you like getting dck pics eyy?
no wtf
Will u give me your number??
dm , then i'll decide
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Your greatest accomplishment?
letting go✨
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
open the fridge w/o asking ?
What is the worst decision you ever made?
to waste a whole R20 on a chocolate that tasted most kahk
What did your last relationship teach you?
expectations lead to disappointments
My hot girlfriend, see tinapn447
Who want to see my nudes? lisava527
I love sending pics ;) lauried3367
k ?
Who want to see my nudes? lizt5615
btch no one
What are you currently worried about?
my weight ?
What do you wish had never happened to you?
personal lol
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
veggies ??
Can I take u from your boy?
if you wanna set yourself up for failure , go ahead fcker
Beautiful being ????
isn't ?❤
instagram feed ??
not that amazing but thanks ?
how long r you in your relationship ?
are u in a relationship ?
happily ❤
What needs to stop ?
abuse , rape & we all just need to stop judging ✅
What do you wish your parents understood?
life as a teen ?
I like u ???❤❤❤❤
das nice to know ♂️
What makes you genuinely happy?
family ? mainly people that i can trust & rely on .
What is the biggest way people waste money?
cigs ? fidget spinners ? vape ?
What you wearing for civvies ❤️❤️❤️
idk yet ?
Do you know anyone in fairbairn ?
i know a lot in fairbairn ??
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
fidget spinners ?
What is your number one rule?
don't fck w me
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
Why u only have one pic on insta ??
idk how to take nice pictures ?
you so pretty ?❤❤
im sure you're prettier ❣
How you today beautiful ?
aahh , im good ⚡
What should be free, but isn't?
clothes ??
If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?
indecisive / insecure
Are you smart ?
you decide ?
Best boy and girl athlete in grade11?
boy : ashton ryan
girl : caitlyn petersen
Favorite song
i don't really have one atm ?
why are you amazing ?
am i ?
Yasis,you too beautiful for life ❤?
who dis ?❤
Who do you hate the most?
i don't hate anybody ?
Last song you listened to ?
whats the dumbest thing you could ever do ?
probably would be , writing english on an afrikaans test ? aum
What do you no longer waste time on?
fake friends ?
3 people you trust?
there's more than 3 but i trust my girls ? bianca, luché & andrea ??
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
nothing tbh ?
Do u have a boyfriend
what's that evens
i know more than one jenna ?
Idk y you say you're not pretty joohh ??????
cause im not ?
shot if you think i am tho ??
roses are red
violets are blue
fire is hot
and so are you ❤??
sjoe ?❤
beautiful being ?❤❤
thanks sm ?❤ but nah .
You're a Queen ❤❤??????
i prefer princess ??
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
simply just trust & understanding ✨
Hey fav?
hey meggan my girl ??
luff you baby ?
hey cutie , it's zoe poole ✨✨✨
hi my love ?
What do you never plan on doing?
not eating ❤
beautiful person inside nd out ?❤❤
dankie skat ❣
Why is your self-esteem so low when you're soo beautiful ?????
it's honestly not just about that .
thanks tho x
insta feed is beautiful ???
aww thank you ❤
If u had green eyes , you'd look really more prettier than you are now ??
i doubt it ? but thanks aye ??
?????????????????? so beautiful aum ??
thanks sm ? but relax , im not that beautiful ??
Do u knw how adorable and cuute you are ?????❤❤❤
no i did not ? but thanks for telling me ?
I love you ❤❤❤❤❤
te oulik ?? ily also ?