Eat my p****
I think im aright thanks :)
Thoughts on J.lew
Freak at basketball and is a good bloke, needs to stick one girlfriend though
why haven't you and kellie been at school?
We have been
Why is kellie always so moody?
She isn't
Kellie is so ugly why are you even dating her?
Because she is perfect and I love her
Didn't you break up?
No, it was a joke
Are you and kellie going out still?
Are you and kellie okay?
Thought on DTay ?
Ab****e *ex god, **** at basketball ;) and a good bloke
Thoughts on the cool cat Abbey Robb?
talks a lot haha , probably one of the funniest people I know and is really nice :)
Can I please kiss you kyee?
Maybe not ;)
you broke my phone f a g g o t
I am sorry Elijah next time don't let us throw your hone up and down a slide ;)
Stop being such a twelvie
Haha alright then bud
You would take a bullet for kellie? Hahaha omg that made my day
**** that's funny …
Thoughts on Abbie Simpson
She is nice.
The most boring person you know?
Going to root her? She's a ****
**** off
It was so unexpected when you started going out with her. Cause I secretly love you.
You are so whipped stop being a flog. Wake up to yourself.
I know I'm whipped haha
I love you kye
I love you too Kellie
Do you think you and kellie will last forever?
I hope so
You say you love her and you have only been going out for like 3 days.. #twelvie
haha okay mate
Thoughts on Cam Smith?
Funny, Good guy, known him since the start of primary school but haven't seen him for a while
thoughts on me? Muzzaa
you are such a funny guy, best to sit next to in science and a good mate :)
Who would you take a bullet for?
"What bores you about people"
"When they don't reply"
You're ****ing tell me mate. You never reply.
And who is this, If I don't reply I probably don't like you :)
Who do you have a crush on? Be honest
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
dont have one
Thoughts on steph
Biggest creep ever
Lochie downies 3, rate it out of 20 ;)
Maybe a 5 his foot was over the line and all
Hi der b**tyfull
hello :*
Thoughts on chloe ferguson?
She is nice, good looking. we used to talk but not really now
What bores you about people ?
When they don't reply