What are you most afraid of losing?
Kyezi replied
3144 days ago
Your current bank balance ?
Kyezi replied
3202 days ago
What or who are you obsessed with right now?
Serial Killers
What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?
Batman Vs Superman..
Wonder woman is hawt!
What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?
Say "I love you" to a special someone..Nahh give a rimmie to willie
Good reason.
Idk probably Rosie for just being Rosie??
What were you not prepared for?
Kyezi replied
3260 days ago
Who's the most popular year 9 girl at the moment?
Popular for a good reason or a bad?
What would make your day?
A rimmy
Whats annoying you right now?
Coming 4th at state by 1000th of a second
What mistake will you never make again?
So there's 2
What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw?
Nothing, people always see me when I do awesome sht
Kyezi replied
3272 days ago
If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A turban
Snap streaks you have
Jye Chalcraft~12
Jake Butcher~15
You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?
Hell nah
Kyezi replied
3278 days ago
What was the best compliment you've ever received?
That I have a good sense of music..Or that my eyebrows are pretty snazzy
Kyezi replied
3281 days ago
What's the last thing you do before sleeping?
Kyezi replied
3283 days ago
What was your first relationship like?
Once I get 1 I'll tell ya
Kyezi replied
3287 days ago
Why aren't you famous?
Because I didn't come up with Qoohme
Kyezi replied
3289 days ago
What's the worst decision you've ever made?
Oh boy there's a lot.....
Kyezi replied
3291 days ago
What offends you ?
When people don't reply to my snapchats
Jasmine! You're a absolute top quality gal! Love having a conversation with you and a laugh..Gatherings at yours are always bound to be fun! But yeah real fantastic girl
What do you have no time for?
Awh sht
What is the worst trend you participated in?
Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?
A clown car
Kyezi replied
3304 days ago
What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?
Hmmm probably my flavored dingers...
How old will you be in 2030 ?
Still old enough for you ;D
What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?
Ummm probably the squirt watch..Like it works fine but my arm always gets to tired before it actually works
fck off mate when ever I talk to you the first thing you talk about is tinder and how many hoes have matched ya McLovinIt3214
Yeah but I hate it...It's like having an Ice addiction..You hate it, but you need it
What's something everyone likes but you hate with a passion?
Tinder...Not all the hot chicks match me!
Snapchat streaks?
Lauren: 21
Jimmy: 4
Which talent you wish you had ?
To be able to sing...Like I'm already pretty good obviously, but better than I am now.
What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?
When Clancy RKO a tree..Funniest sht
What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?
My Gold Coast girl! Missing you babe!
What was the best thing that happened to you today?
Kyezi replied
3325 days ago
Why do you have that scar ?
Same as Griffo..Doc did it ;) ;)
What do you not feel like doing today?
Getting big. .
If you were God for a day, what would you do?
Probably go to a strip joint
Ur and ugly fck
Lick my gooch you stupid ****
What are you obsessed with?
Tinder...Sorry but it has consumed me..
When was the last time you got angry and why?
Well...I was chatting to this hot as chick at Dreamworld and just as I asked her number my Pa swooped over and told me we had to go and I didn't end up getting it and my heart broke..#prayforKye#Cuttinmylunch#ThinkhernamewasMarleen?
What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?
The Port Macquarie girl!
Why? The most incredible being I've ever laid eyes upon
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
Her name is Cinnamon ;)
rate personality/looks
sophie m
lilly b
I. Don't. Give.A.fck
Kyezi replied
3346 days ago
Sophie M
Lilly B
In order
Pretty sure it goes...
Sophie M
Lily B
Height order yeah?
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
I have heaps of best friends that have met through school..But one in particular we met through p*rn and FIFA
rate on personality
sophie m
lilly b
I rate OG Mudbone the highest
Who do people always say you look like?
Ron Jeremy
What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?
Condoms..Just use glad wrap
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?
Georgia Devine
Your current mood ?
What do you think?
Kyezi replied
3356 days ago
Kye is smooth. So fck off ya hoe. He gives mint hugs ?? theodora_chloe
Mint hugs, but better hand shakes
Kyezi replied
3357 days ago
Ur a dog mate get over urself no one will end up liking u so just stop being a rude mole
s*ck me sideways
Rate on looks
Sophie j
Ella g
Amy r
Makyla g
Nat r
Amy is the hottest by a mile followed by Sophie J, then coming in at 3rd is Nat..Here are your medallion winners for the 2015 Who's Hottest Olympics
Rate on looks, personality
Bobbie K
Olivia V
Rosie A
Kasey B
Hayley M
Maddie B
Jassie G
Tamika C
Emma B
Bobbi K: 8,8
Olivia V: 10,10
Rosie A:7,10
Kasey B: 8,8
Hayley M: 7, 5
Maddi B: 10,10
Jassie: 7.5,7
Tamika C: 8,7
Emma B: 7,7
Last song you played before replying to this ?
My neck my back
Kyezi replied
3359 days ago
Miss Olivia Volpe! There is never a dull moment when we are together! We always have so so so much fun when we are together..You have a laugh and smile that brightens up my day! You're the most stunning chick I've ever laid eyes upon..You're like one of the greatest people I know! And well I love ya!
Your most embarrassing moment ?
When my balls where dangling down my leg in the middle of class and everyone could see them..Mmmm good times
What are you terrible at ?
What do you want for xmas ?
p*rnhub membership
Well...School isn't going to be the same without you..I have no one weak to bash anymore, I love $exually harassing you back..Been one of my best mates since yeah 5! (How the fck that happen!) I actually am going to miss you a lot...Love you Pettitt you creepy mother fcker
What got you upset recently?
That I'm slowly becoming a Bielber
Order of favs: Bova, Declan, Byron, Mitch, Michael
Only spastics order people
Holy sht! Mitch you're actually THE funniest kid I know..You do the craziest sht and you have a monster ****..Camp was actually sensational with you..Lucky the teacher didn't catch you naked near my bed..
Which song describes your mood today ?
Friendzoned-Ft Dec Brunskill & Clancy Lester
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Dating naked
What are you currently worried about ?
Tripping over my massive balls
Rate on looks, body, personality
All probably a 10/10 on there good days....Oi but let us be serious here..I'm obviously so much hotter than them
Thoughts son!? rosie_7
Probably my favourite Arnel child...Been my best friend since moving down here..I tell pretty much all my amazing stories to tell..Witnessed THE most inappropriate things from me..Trust you with pretty much everything! Deserves better..
Thanks Kye and dot let her mess with u! cause together we would dominate :) Isabellamorris123
Kyezi replied
3381 days ago
Who and when was your first kiss ?
Hahaha my first kiss was Halloween and it was with someone I'm not so proud to mention..
Lovely Lass! Got a great happy personality! Don't let the stupid red head year 7 mess with you
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Back in the womb
10..I'll date chicks to year 9 then up to year 12
Instagram name ?
Kyezi replied
3386 days ago
who do u think would make a cute couple
Do honestly think I give a fck?
How old are you?
Old enough for you baby
Kyezi replied
3387 days ago
What was the happiest moment in your life?
When I used hand cream for the first time...Hand slipped right off ma dck
The thing u hate about year sevens
Fck idk
Kyezi replied
3389 days ago
Thoughts on Hayley Thorne?
Fantastic chick! Even better because she is making my main man Vinnie happy
Thoughts on Isabella Morris?
Kyezi replied
3389 days ago
How would your friends describe you?
Kye Roberts
Thoughts on Sophie Jenkins?
Sophie Big A$$ little t***ies Jenkins..My favorite Jenkins person ever !(I don't know any others). You are pretty much the chick version of me, except I'd probably be hotter and like bigger assets..Anyway! You are my bestest friend in this whole entire world! I love every single moment and memory we make together ;) ;) You're my bus buddy and I'm lonely when you're not on (every Monday that is) We are going to be hella awesome parents and can't wait till we live in Canada! I tell you everything even all the emotional things about me and everything..I trust you with my life! So keep being you SJ!
Thoughts on Anna b
The fck is that?
Kyezi replied
3390 days ago
Rate:personality, body, pretty
Dempsey Nye
Abbey Bell
Nat Russo
Molly Reid
Nigah I don't give a fck
What are you passionate about?
Nutella and chill
rate on face, body, personality:
It's good to do things naked
Rate look and personality
Anna Brown
Dempsey Nye
Abbey Bell
Nat Russo
Molly Reid
All a 8.5 for looks and then Idk their personalities that well
What's your fav hair colour on a girl
The one were its like brunette then turns into blonde? Is iit called obrey?
Not much to say but you're and absolute lad! Top quality bloke! You,Jizz,Ben and Darcy at my main Murks hoes! Best to play footy and basketball with. Loves all my pictures! ;)
How many siblings do u have and how old
2 younger brothers..12 and 9..I think?
What's your fav tv show
The Walking Dead
Kyezi replied
3396 days ago
Thoughts on Abbey Bell?
Only did it a few days ago
Kyezi replied
3396 days ago
Nicest year 7
Ellie Mae..Daisy...Abbey..Nat and Molly
Let's just keep it in our pants shall we Clancy_lester
No I've always got it out
do looks then personality
sht idk? Molly,Dempsey,Nat and probably Abbey..Daisy is above hot
Fav year 7 girls
Looks or like personality or all together?
Kyezi replied
3397 days ago